
zǒng jià
  • total price
总价 [zǒng jià]
  • [total price] 总的价值,构成全部数目或数量的价值

总价[zǒng jià]
  1. C.金额为合同总价的形式发票一式五份;

    C. Five ( 5 ) copies of profoma invoice covering the total contract price ;

  2. C.从迟延的第九周起,每周支付合同总价的百分之______;

    C. ______ percent ( ____ % ) of the total contract price per week from the ninth week of delay .

  3. 好吧.开工后,给我15个工作日,我就再降个百分之十.10天如何?我要12天,否则免谈.成交.Vocabulary重要词汇bottomline总价底线

    Mel : Okay.Give me fifteen working days from start to finish and I 'll lower the price 10 % .

  4. 这位优秀的自由球员希望与美国职业棒球大联盟的老牌劲旅纽约扬基队(NewYorkYankees)签订一份为期十年的新合约,总价3亿美元。

    The free-agent slugger is hoping for a new 10-year , $ 300 million contract with the Yankees .

  5. 中国国家电网公司(StateGrid)正在购买拥有巴西输配电线路的多家公司的股份,这笔交易总价达17亿美元,为中巴两国第二大跨境交易。

    State Grid of China is in the process of buying stakes in companies that own transmission lines in Brazil in the second-biggest cross-border deal , totaling $ 1.7 billion .

  6. 这个方法接受目录Item的ID的String表示,把这个商品添加到Cart中并更新总价。

    This method takes a String representation of a catalog Item 's ID , adds that item to the Cart , and updates the price total .

  7. 新款KindleFireHD最高售价为499美元,包括第一年无线服务费用在内,总价为548美元。

    The new kindle fire HD tops out at $ 499 , and including wireless service costs $ 548 in the first year .

  8. 因此总价在30000美元左右&比Volt便宜10000美元。

    So figure on around $ 30,000 & a $ 10,000 difference from the volt .

  9. B.第五至第八周,每周支付合同总价的百分之__________;

    B. _____ percent ( ____ % ) of the total contract price per week from the fifth week to the eighth week ;

  10. 应在中期付款证书中通过(如需要时)对合同总价项目进度的调整使根据本款(C)条规定进行的变更的测量与估价生效。

    Effect shall be given to the measurement and valuation of variations under sub-clause ( C ) of this clause in Interim Certificates and by adjustment , if required , of the Contract Sum Project Schedule .

  11. 这套为iPhone手机设计的充电皮套和充电板总价80美元,而Pre无线座充的价格则是70美元。

    The iPhone charging skin and charger pad combination costs $ 80 , while the Pre wireless charger is a $ 70 add-on from Palm .

  12. 然而,在固定总价合同下承担绝大多数风险,对于水电EPC总承包商来说是一个巨大挑战。

    However , it is a great challenge for EPC contractor to take the all or most risks with the fixed price .

  13. 分包商在分包合同范围内履行、完成和修补工程质量缺陷等工作的费用均已包含在附件III的总价内。

    The Sub-Contractor undertakes to execute , complete and remedy any defects in the Sub-Contract Works at rates or lump sum price ( s ) included in Annex III.

  14. 经过数月谈判,2010年4月,Dollar终于同意赫兹以每股41美元、或总价12亿美元发起收购(首次)。

    After a few months of negotiations , dollar agreed to be acquired by Hertz ( for the first time ) in April 2010 for $ 41 A share or $ 1.2 billion .

  15. 上周五,戴尔公司(Dell)发布了股东签署的委托书。委托书详细阐述了首席执行官迈克尔?戴尔和私募基金公司银湖资本(SilverLakePartners)联手开出的总价高达224亿美元的收购要约的出炉过程。

    Dell Inc. ( DELL ) today filed a proxy statement , detailing the process leading up its its $ 24.4 billion buyout proposal from CEO Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake Partners .

  16. 高盛在去年9月证实,AIG是其总价近200亿美元的合约的交易对手。但高盛坚称,它在AIG上的风险敞口几乎已得到完全对冲。

    In September , Goldman confirmed AIG was a counterparty on close to $ 20bn worth of contracts but insisted its exposures to AIG were almost completely hedged .

  17. 本部分主要归纳总结了国内外学者在BT回购基本概念及回购总价影响因素、回购基价理论、回购投资回报率等方面的研究成果。

    This section summarizes the major domestic and foreign scholars in the basic concepts of BT repurchase pricing and repo total factors , repurchase price theory , repurchase ROI and other aspects of research results .

  18. 帕特森还对送给沙特王室及军方的四辆总价20.1万英镑的汽车以及向沙特国民卫队(SaudiNationalGuard)某将军名下别墅支付的27.8万英镑租金提出质疑。

    Mr Paterson also queried the gift of four cars valued at 201,000 to members of the Saudi royal family and military – as well as a 278,000 payment for the rental of a villa owned by a Saudi National Guard general .

  19. 今年3月,我访问了EasyJet网站,买了6张飞往梅诺卡岛的机票,总价是1285.80英镑。

    Last March I visited the EasyJet website and bought six flights to Menorca for 1, 285.80 .

  20. 五角大楼仍准备在未来25年内购买2443架F-35战机,总价达到3820亿美元。

    The Pentagon still plans to buy 2443 F-35s over the next 25 years , at a cost of $ 382 billion .

  21. 为了不让客户代码对Cart做两个调用(一个获得内容,一个获得总价),我想把这些数据一次全都发给客户。

    Instead of having the client code make two calls on Cart , one to obtain the contents and one for the total price , I want to send all of this data to the client at once .

  22. 没有单价或中间没有插入总价的任何BOQ项目,将被视为可用于它处?

    Any BOQ item , which does not have a UNIT PRICE or total price inserted against it , will be deemed to be allowed for elsewhere .

  23. 2011年7月,电子艺界用现金、股票和基于长期绩效的后期支付额等方式收购了PopCap,收购总价最高可达13亿美元。

    It acquired PopCap games in July 2011 for about $ 1.3 billion in cash , stock and future performance-based payments .

  24. 不是合约价299美元,而是裸机总价299美元,还不到苹果、三星和HTC高端手机价格的一半。

    That 's not $ 299 with a carrier plan or some other commitment . That 's $ 299 total , or less than half the price of a top-tier phone from Apple , Samsung or HTC .

  25. 以该ctr为目的,承包商还应提供总价30000美元的费用,用于jwg指定的专家服务。

    For the purpose of this CTR the Contractor shall include a cost provision of USD30000 in the total price towards the services of the specialist appointed by jwg .

  26. TPG所持部分股份的锁定期为今年6月20日,届时它最多可以售出深发展全部股份的11%,根据深发展最新股价,总价约为9.92亿美元。

    When a lock-up period on some of its holding expires on June 20 , TPG will be able to sell up to 11 per cent of SDB 's total shares for about $ 992m , based on SDB 's latest share price .

  27. DLF称,瓦德拉的集团公司实际支付金额远高于87万美元――该公司称,实际价格是每平方英尺166美元左右,总价约合700万美元。

    DLF said Mr. Vadra 's group actually paid much more than $ 870,000 & it said the actual price was about $ 166 a square foot , which would add up to about $ 7 million .

  28. 这笔订单总价约为95亿美元。

    The deal could be worth an estimated 9.5 billion dollars .

  29. 固定总价合同的特点、风险和对策

    Characteristics , Risks and Counter-risk Measures of Fixed Lump Sum Contract

  30. 谈固定总价合同的特点和风险及防范

    Discussion on the characteristics and risk and prevention of fixed price contract