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lào zi
  • pingju opera ;a class of popular songs


luò zǐ
  • make a move
落子 [lào zǐ]
  • [laozi,cheap amusement park where singing,vaudeville shows are given] 〈方〉∶北方曲艺莲花落的俗称。旧时北方许多地方亦泛指各种曲艺杂耍;亦指早期的评剧。因其从莲花落发展而来,故称

  • 落子馆

  • [means of living][口]∶落儿

  1. 自适应频域功率分配算法将深衰落子载波信道转换成等效AWGN信道,从而增强了自适应天线阵分集获得的子载波信噪比。

    The proposed adaptive frequency-domain power allocation based based MIMO / OFDM enhances the SNR on each sub-carrier by converting the deep faded sub-channels to AWGN-like sub-carriers .

  2. 玩家轮流在棋盘上落子。

    Players take turns placing pieces on the board .

  3. 你能预料到我要落子的位置,提前想了三步子。

    You 're anticipating every one of my moves , three moves in advance .

  4. 落子,由于是南皮人自己的艺术创作,特别受到当地人的青睐。

    Laozi is very well received by the Nanpi natives since it was created by themselves .

  5. 武安落子是一种兼歌舞、说唱、戏曲为一体的地方小戏。

    The drama of Wu an is a facultative dance rap as one of the local opera drama .

  6. 围棋起源于古代中国,下棋时双方分执黑白,在19x19的棋盘上轮流落子。

    Originating in ancient China , Go is a game where two players take turns placing black and white stones on a 19-by-19 grid .

  7. 该方案把频率选择性衰落信道分解成若干个非频率选择性衰落子信道,不需要训练符号开销,回避跟踪衰落信道参数,以所需用户的扩频序列作为永久性训练序列。

    The aforementioned approach converts a frequency selective fading channel to several frequency nonselective fading subchannels , avoids tracking the channel fading coefficients and takes the desired user 's spreading sequence as a perpetual training sequence without the overhead of the desired user s data symbols .