
zhēng róng
  • towering;lofty and steep;be lofty and steep;outstanding;extraordinary;high and open;be big and strong;lofty and steep peak
峥嵘 [zhēng róng]
  • (1) [towering;be lofty and steep]∶形容山的高峻突兀或建筑物的高大耸立

  • (2) [lofty and steep peak]∶高峻的山峰

  • 敢请相公平贼后,暂携诸吏上峥嵘。--唐. 韩愈《奉和裴相公东征途经女儿山下作》

  • (3) [high and open]∶高爽空旷

  • 举目四顾,霜天峥嵘。--唐. 李白《金陵与诸贤送权十一序》

  • (4) [be big and strong]∶魁梧

  • 形容典雅,体段峥嵘。--《西游记》

  • (5) [extraordinary;outstanding]卓异,不平凡

  • 元龙( 陈登)本志陋曹吴,豪气峥嵘老不除,-- 苏轼《和刘景文见赠》

峥嵘[zhēng róng]
  1. 有些只是大,而有些则是完全峥嵘。

    Some are simply large , while others are utterly towering .

  2. 湖光旖旎、峭壁峥嵘,游客们被深深吸引了。

    The view of lake and plunging cliffs seduces visitors

  3. 因此,没什么人能注意到渐露峥嵘的小说家过早离世的事情。

    So when a budding novelist dies young , few people may notice .

  4. 在纽约,世贸中心废墟之上,一座新的高楼渐露峥嵘。

    In New York a new tower is taking shape at Ground Zero .

  5. 在数年的峥嵘发展中公司成功服务中国移动。

    Zhengrong in a few years developing a successful service company of China Mobile .

  6. 在北京地产界,有几个开发商已经开始显露这样的峥嵘。

    The real estate sector in Beijing , several developers have begun to reveal the date .

  7. 峥嵘的竞技[胜利之光]满屏版

    Friday Night Lights Full Screen Edition

  8. 一把漂亮的神剑被嵌在那块大石头中,手机广告峥嵘亮剑,发展之路任重道远

    A beautiful magic sword was stuck in the rock . Mobile Phone Ads Outbreak on a Long Developments Road with Heavy Burdens

  9. 在近几年,周洋在国际赛场上初露峥嵘,分别在2008年和2009年的世锦赛上夺得银牌和铜牌。

    Zhou Yang made her mark on the international stage in recent years , winning the silver and bronze medals in the2008 and2009 world championships respectively .

  10. 同业的峥嵘对峙,股份制商业银行的崛起,外资银行的强势入川,四川农行的生存与发展面临着严峻的挑战。

    Meanwhile , the intense competition of counterparts and the powerful entry of foreign banks are threatening the existence and development of Sichuan branch of ABC .

  11. 在这个百草峥嵘、万木吐绿的春日,远方的那棵大树也在情不自禁地吐露着绿韵的芳香吧?

    In this Baicao towering trees were Tulv the spring , the distance also could not help but tell the big tree with fragrant green rhyme , right ?

  12. 在美国亚利桑纳州,有一个称为迷信山的山区,这里荒草丛生,怪石峥嵘,猛兽出没,到处是凶狠的响尾蛇。

    In Arizona , the United States , there is a mountain known as the superstition mountains . Grassland and wild beasts were haunted , teeming with vicious rattlesnake .

  13. 古老、破烂的凉亭从前曾经所在的地方,如今宫殿耸立,显露峥嵘;围长粗大的花岗石柱子伸展开一片路景,通向外面的铁路世界。

    Where the old rotten summer-houses once had stood , palaces now reared their heads , and granite columns of gigantic girth opened a vista to the railway world beyond .

  14. 然后他既登上了苍穹的极峰,像精力饱满的壮年,雄姿英发,万民的眼睛依旧膜拜他的峥嵘,紧紧追随着他那疾驰的金驾。

    And having climb 'd the steep-up heavenly hill , Resembling strong youth in his middle age , yet mortal looks adore his beauty still , Attending on his golden pilgrimage ;

  15. 当他们离基督山只有十五哩的时候,太阳开始沉落到科西嘉的后面,科西嘉的群山在天空的衬托下划出明晰轮廓,雄劲地呈现出峥嵘的山峰。

    They were within fifteen miles of Monte Cristo when the sun began to set behind corsica , whose mountains appeared against the sky , showing their rugged peaks in bold relief ;

  16. 柏树和松树姿态相同,尤其是那种卷柏,树枝向下生着,盘曲而峥嵘。

    Classed with the pine tree is the cedar cypress which has the same manner , particularly the kind known as selaginela involvens , with twisting , encircling and ruggedly downward-pointing branches .

  17. 不同性质的汽车生产与销售企业正在蜂涌而起,国企、外企、私企、合资等企业都在各显峥嵘,争夺市场销售份额,提高自己产品的市场占有率。

    Many different types of automotive production and sales companies are emerging . state-owned enterprises , foreign enterprises , private enterprises and joint ventures enterprises compete against each other for more market share .

  18. 无数石峰拔地而起,千峰竞秀,巍峨峥嵘,气势磅礴,姿态万千,形象生动。

    Countless stone peaks seem to have sprung from the ground , assuming a thousand different shapes , all fanciful and picturesque , as if vying with each other in their suBlimity and grandeur .

  19. 因为怨毒的杀机那么缠住你,你不惜多方设计把自己戕害,锐意摧残你那座峥嵘的殿宇,你唯一念头却该是把它重盖。

    For thou art so possess 'd with murderous hate That ' gainst thyself thou stick'st not to conspire . Seeking that beauteous roof to ruinate Which to repair should be thy chief desire .

  20. 我伸了伸舌头,仰头想望一眼峰巅,只见云雾缭绕,不见峥嵘。

    I extended my tongue and raised my head , imagining and hoping for a glance at the summit , but only saw clouds wafting in the air . I saw no lofty mountain peak .

  21. 但杜兰特已经厌倦了在雷霆现有体系中为每一次投篮费劲气力,他爱他的队友威斯布鲁克,但威少很多时候都会忘记传球,虽然有时也会露峥嵘,但更多的时候则不然。

    But Durant was tired of working so hard to generate quality shots on offense within Oklahoma City 's system and with a teammate he may have loved off the court in Westbrook but was so frequently responsible for zero-pass or one-pass possessions , sometimes for better though often for worse .
