
  • 网络Smart phone;smartphone;smartphones
  1. 人们可以通过智能电话或桌面的浏览器使用Web进行交互。

    People can interact with the Web from the browser on a smartphone or on a desktop .

  2. 支持在一个平台上使用多个移动操作系统使客户可以进行最少的重新设计,并方便地处理智能电话和MID市场的多个区段。

    Support of multiple mobile OSes on a single platform gives customers the flexibility to address multiple segments of the Smartphone and MID markets with minimal redesign .

  3. 智能电话和平板设备的高采用率最终导致增加了对移动Web开发人员和设计师的需求。

    The high adoption rate of smartphones and tablet devices is ultimately increasing the demand for mobile web developers and designers .

  4. IM软件在智能电话终端上的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of IM Software on Intelligent Telephone Terminal

  5. 提出了一个基于嵌入式Linux系统的智能电话信息终端,将计算功能和电话功能有机地结合起来。

    This paper proposes an embedded Linux-based intelligent telephone information terminal that integrates computing function with telephone function seamlessly .

  6. 通常,这些设备是智能电话、传呼机和PDA等。

    Typically , these devices are smart phones , pagers and PDAs .

  7. VMware引入了MobileVirtualizationPlatform来处理一个日益普遍的使用模型:商用和个人智能电话。

    VMware introduced the Mobile Virtualization Platform to address an increasingly common use model : smart phones for business and personal use .

  8. 随着智能电话使用率的增长,越来越多的基于Web的应用程序开始提供从移动客户端访问的能力,无论该客户端是浏览器还是原生应用程序。

    With the growth of smart phone use , more and more web-based applications are starting to offer access from a mobile client , whether it is a browser or a native application .

  9. 文中介绍了在智能电话终端上实现IM软件的过程中所遇到的问题和相应的解决方案。

    This paper introduces the problems and relevant solutions during the implementation of IM software based on the intelligent telephone terminal .

  10. 在办公室,可以使用您的桌面VoIP电话;出差途中,可以使用智能电话。

    When desk-bound , you call with your desktop VoIP phone ; when travelling , you use your smart phone .

  11. 人们广泛地使用个人数字助理(PDA)、智能电话等移动手持设备随时随地进行商务活动。

    Personal Digital Assistants ( PDA ), mobile phones and so on , are being used popularly to do business wherever .

  12. bristolyork的怀特先生估计,设备制造商已不得不为一部独特的智能电话支付200~300项专利的使用费。

    Mr White of Bristol York estimates that device makers already have to pay royalties for 200-300 patents for a typical smart-phone .

  13. UI技术可以在各种设备上呈现信息,这些设备包括的范围很广,从窗口小部件和智能电话到浏览器和能够进行大量客户端处理的富客户机。

    UI technologies can render information on devices ranging from gadgets and smart phones to browsers and rich clients capable of considerable client-side processing .

  14. 旅行设备:NokiaE71智能电话

    Traveling device : The Nokia E71 smart phone

  15. NokiaE71设备是一个典型现代智能电话示例。

    The Nokia E71 device is a good example of a modern smart phone .

  16. 论文分析了嵌入式Linux的特点、发展状况以及用于智能电话操作系统的原理、实现方案和编程方法。

    The paper then discusses the characteristics and developing status of embedded linux . The principle , implementation scheme and program method of embedded linux as smart phone OS are also investigated .

  17. 今年3月,苹果起诉台湾智能电话商htc,几个月后,htc作出了同样的回应。

    In March Apple sued HTC , a Taiwanese maker of smart-phones , which responded in kind a couple of months later .

  18. 市场研究公司idc预计,今年智能电话将售出2.7亿台:较2009年增长55%。

    IDC , a market-research firm , expects that 270m smart-phones will be sold this year : 55 % more than in 2009 .

  19. 研究机构IDC估计,今年装船运往世界各地的智能电话,将从2010年的3.03亿台上升到约4.5亿台。

    IDC , a research firm , estimates that around 450m smartphones will be shipped worldwide this year , up from 303m in 2010 .

  20. 例如谷歌,靠广告赚钱,其智能电话操作系统android却不收费,还让其他人修改这种软件。

    Google , for instance , which makes its money from advertisements , does not charge for Android ( its operating system for smart-phones ) and lets others modify the software .

  21. 一家citrix持股的新兴企业openkernellabs,已使智能电话在一个单处理机上运行应用软件、实现多媒体及收音机功能,削减了制造成本。

    Open kernel labs , a start-up in which Citrix has a stake , already lets smartphones run applications , multimedia and radio functions on a single processor , cutting manufacturing costs .

  22. LotusLiveMobile现在正在测试阶段,这是一个在智能电话和其他移动设备上使用所有LotusLive服务的计划。

    LotusLive Mobile , now in its beta stage , is an initiative to make all the services of LotusLive available on smartphones and other mobile devices .

  23. 移动电话、智能电话、PDA以及媒体播放器等各种便携式消费类电子产品的广泛普及应用,使我国的电源管理产品的市场不断飞速增长。

    The increasing popularity of the portable consumer electronic device such as mobile , cell phone PDA and media player stimulates the fast growth of our domestic power management market .

  24. 到2009年末,联想成为增长最快的个人电脑制造商,而且和宏、惠普(hp)、戴尔(dell)一样,正将产品种类扩展至智能电话及其他移动设备。

    At the end of 2009 Lenovo was the fastest-growing PC maker and , like Acer , Hewlett-Packard and Dell , is expanding its offerings to include smartphones and other mobile devices .

  25. 您可能会找到一种方法,通过智能电话同步您的联系人和LDAP服务器,但这种方法可能不如直接访问信息那么简捷。

    You might find a way to synchronize your contacts with the LDAP server through the smart phone , but it might not be as clean as direct dynamic access to information .

  26. 于是,对于我们的天气示例,我们可以为每个期望的设备定义一个单独的视图JSP:为浏览器定义一个HTMLJSP,为智能电话定义一个WMLJSP。

    For our Weather example , then , we can define a separate view JSP for each intended device : an HTML JSP for browsers , and a WML JSP for SmartPhones .

  27. 但是,Symbian不过是昨日的智能电话平台而已,距离其寿终正寝的时间指日可待&开源不过是将这个时间稍微延长了一点罢了。

    However , it is still yesterday 's smartphone platform and Symbian 's days are still numbered & the number is just higher now .

  28. 但如果您想将portlet扩展到这些胖客户机之外,并使内容可以由受限的设备(比如袖珍PC机、手持设备或智能电话)使用时,又会怎样?

    But what if you want to extend the portlets beyond these rich clients and make the content available to constrained devices such as a PocketPC , a Palm handheld or a SmartPhone ?

  29. 因此,硅谷不断推测,这家拥有370亿美元现金资产的软件巨无霸,试图竞购rim,而rim的智能电话广受经常出差的公司员工欢迎。

    Hence persistent speculation in Silicon Valley that the software behemoth , which has a $ 37 billion cash pile , might be tempted to bid for rim , whose phones are popular with corporate road-warriors .

  30. 如果是Nokia电话,则需要提供一些输出细节,它们通过WTAI引用以WAP2格式向智能电话提供XML。

    In the case of the Nokia phone , you add the output details that provide the XML for the smart phone in WAP2 format with WTAI references .