
  • 网络intelligent system;intelligence system;smart system
  1. 海域水流及水质之综合智慧型系统

    An Integrated Knowledge-Based System on Modelling of Flow and Water Quality

  2. 更智慧的系统必须实现动态的基础设施。

    Dynamic infrastructure is the solution underneath what a smarter system has to do .

  3. 本课程将智慧运输系统视为看穿运输及社会许多议题的一面镜子。

    This course considers ITS as a lens through which one can view many transportation and societal issues .

  4. 如果有一个人工智慧的系统照顾宠物的日常生活,你会买一个吗?

    If it had an artificial intelligence system for taking care of the pet life , would you like to buy one ?

  5. 刑事政策是国家和社会整体以合理而有效地组织对犯罪的反应为目标而提出的有组织地反犯罪斗争的战略、方针、策略、方法以及行动的艺术、谋略和智慧的系统整体。

    Criminal policy is the system of tactics , guidelines , strategies , measures , actions , artifices and wisdoms that aimed to strike crime rationally but effectively by the whole country and society .

  6. 针对这一现状,我国推出了智慧养老系统,目标是通过信息化手段,基于无线通信技术,为老年人提供更优质、更便捷、更完善的健康服务。

    All of these situations mean that China has become an aging society . In order to improve this situation , we design the intelligent pension system . And our goal is to provide more high-quality , more convenient and more perfect service to olds by information technology .

  7. 随著对运输品质的要求增加,近年来大力发展智慧型运输系统。

    The increment of vehicle number and life quality request lead to develop ITS in the recent years .

  8. 我要把餐厅改造现代化的餐厅,点餐和结账采用电脑智慧触控式系统。

    I am changing the diner to state-of-the-art computer " Power touch " ordering system for food and checks .

  9. 智慧的生态系统内存着一个奇妙的自平衡机制,这个自平衡机制恰似一个平衡万物价值、维护和谐的剃刀。

    There is a strange self-balance mechanism in ecosystem , which is like a piece of harmonious razor , also named as balance razor .

  10. 提供2011年第11届亚太智慧型运输系统论坛简介、相关活动讯息及高雄市动态公车资讯与捷运路网图。

    Provides the conference information of the11th Asia-Pacific ITS Forum Exhibition , 2011 ITS AP Forum , the Kaohsiung City e-bus information , and MRT route map .

  11. 未来将更进一步,学习如何以无线方式传输这些资讯到配电装置,以完善整个智慧电网的系统。

    In the future , I shell go one step further to study how to transmit this information wirelessly to the power distribution device in order to improve the smart grid system .

  12. 区别知识管理与信息管理,转变知识管理旧有的以文献为基础的形式,进而使之多元化、全面化、智慧化、系统化,是图书馆管理工作的当务之急。

    The urgent tasks for library management are to distinguish knowledge management and information management , transform the old literature-based knowledge management mode , and further make it be multivariant , comprehensive , intelligent and systematical .

  13. 非智力因素是智慧活动的动力系统。

    No - intelligence factor is the generating system of intellgence activity .

  14. 作为智慧城市的信息系统必须拥有强大的计算能力、感知能力和数据应用能力。

    Smart cities ' information systems must have enhanced computing power , sensory ability and data application .

  15. 智能控制能够将人类的智慧应用到控制系统中去,解决非线性、复杂的系统控制问题。

    Intelligent control can solve many complex system control problems by integrating human knowledge into control systems .

  16. 宏观审慎监控也是一样。一群聪明人的智慧能够专注于系统风险,而非拘泥于个人公司金融的细节之中。

    The same is true of macro-prudential regulation , the idea that a group of wise men can focus on systemic risk , rather than get bogged down in the details of individual firms'finances .

  17. 摘要深海采矿智慧能测控实验系统的研究和开发是机电一体化各项关键技术在工业测控领域的一个重要研究课题。

    Research and development of the intellectualized measurement and control experimental system for the deep-sea mining system is an important investigative task of key technique of the Mechatronics in the field of industrial measurement and control .

  18. 作为对数字城管系统的有益补充,智慧城管信息分析系统为广大城市管理参与者、决策者提供了关于数字城管数据的统计、分析、预警等功能。

    As a useful complement to the digital city management system , intelligent urban management information analysis system for the majority of participants in urban management , urban management and decision-makers about the digital data statistics , analysis , early warning and other functions .

  19. 完成面向智慧果业的智慧商务系统的初步实现,为后续智慧果业平台的开发与实现提供了必要的支持。

    The initial realization of the Smart Commerce system oriented wisdom fruit industry is completed , which provide the necessary support for the development and implementation of subsequent wisdom fruit industry platform .