
  • 网络Comfrey;Symphytum officinale;Symphytum officinale L
  1. 聚合草枯萎烂根(青枯病)病原细菌鉴定

    Identification of the pathogenic bacterium causing wilt and root rot disease in Symphytum officinale

  2. 聚合草富含铁、硅、钾和钙。

    Comfrey is rich in iron , silica , potash and calcium .

  3. 聚合草通常是外用的。

    Comfrey is always applied externally .

  4. 聚合草经常添加在化妆水中,因为它有利于对抗干燥并帮助防止皱纹。它能够促进肌肤细胞新生。

    Comfrey is added to lotion because it guards against dryness and helps prevent wrinkles because it encourages skin cell regeneration .

  5. 如果我够聪明,我就应该在我的花园里种上一些,但是我没有,我从当地的保健医院里买了聚合草油。

    If I was very clever I would be growing it in my garden but failing that I buy it in ointment form from our local health food store .