
wài dí
  • foreign enemy
外敌 [wài dí]
  • [foreign enemy] 外部的敌人

  1. 如果他的国家受到外敌的侵略,他就立即返回。

    If his country was invaded by a foreign enemy , be would return at once .

  2. 当主要矛盾不是抵御外敌之时,两大集团间矛盾又逐渐激化,甚至是不可调和。

    When the main contradiction is not the foreign enemy , two groups gradually intensify the contradictions and even irreconcilable .

  3. 国家有义务保护本国公民不受外敌侵犯。

    The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies .

  4. 外敌入侵时,他作为占领者的傀儡行使统治。

    When the invasion occurred he ruled as a puppet of the occupiers

  5. 战士们守卫边疆,防止外敌入侵。

    Soldiers guard the frontier against invasion .

  6. 将核原料兜售给外敌的阴谋

    to deliver nuclear material into the hands of our enemies .

  7. 我们应该保卫我们的国家抵御外敌。

    We should defend our country against its enemies .

  8. 这个国家无法抵御外敌入侵。

    The nation was unable to resist the invasion .

  9. 海岸上防御外敌登陆的圆形小石堡。

    A circular masonry fort for coastal defence .

  10. 第二,迷惑、猜疑能够使一个企业变得脆弱,以致让外敌乘虚而入。

    Secondly , confusion and suspicion will make the organisation vulnerable to external exploitation .

  11. 她们不需要去猎杀动物、抵御外敌或是换灯泡。

    She was never expected to hunt animals , fight enemies or change light bulbs .

  12. 总之,维护国家和平就要彻底防御外敌,

    above all , the peace of a country that is properly defended against any adversary ,

  13. 砸同胞的车,打击外敌的痛处。

    Hit your foreign enemies where it hurts by smashing up cars owned by your fellow countrymen .

  14. 修建的目的不在于抵御外敌,而在于阻止民众外逃。

    Its purpose wasn 't to keep its enemies out , but rather its own people in .

  15. 高墙首次建设是为了在中国边界防御外敌入侵村庄。

    Walls were first built to keep invaders away from the farming villages on the Chinese border .

  16. 最初建立以防范外敌入侵

    Originally built tokeep outdangerous warriors

  17. 边界概念使人民辨别外敌并认识王权的地域范围;

    The image of border enabled the people to identify the enemy and the extent of the kingship .

  18. 河南郡东部防御体系是河南郡应对外敌的主要区域。

    The eastern defense system was the main part of the prefecture to confront enemies from the east .

  19. 有这样一个民族,有这样一支军队,美国无惧于外敌入侵,

    With such an organization of such a people the United States have nothing to dread from foreign invasion .

  20. 富有活力的企业家资本主义目前没有真正的外敌,它只可能从内部被削弱。

    Dynamic , entrepreneurial capitalism has nowadays no serious external enemies ; it can only be weakened from within .

  21. 她只有四根微不足道的刺,保护自己,抵抗外敌…

    She has four thorns , of no use at all , to protect herself against all the world ...

  22. 在反对异族统治,抵抗外敌入侵,扩疆拓土等历史活动扮演了极其重要的角色。

    It plays an important role in opposing the alien race rule , resisting foreign intruders and expanding the territory .

  23. 中法战争之后,清政府终于对一再受到外敌入侵的台湾给予了足够重视。

    After Sino-French wars , the Government of Qing Dynasty began to take it seriously that Taiwan was invaded too much .

  24. 当时在北方疆界上曾有一些砖石建造的城墙以抵御外敌。

    There had been a number of walls built of brick and stone along the northern border to keep the enemies beyond .

  25. 它不须要与牛比,牛也不应该批评马为什么没有牛角,没有角怎样防御外敌。

    It unnecessarily compared itself with cattle while cattle should not worry about horse without horn and how its defense to enemy .

  26. 只有在英国人受到外敌威胁,英国领土受到入侵的时候,只有这个时刻,做出的反应才无与伦比。

    British people had to be threatened by foreign soldiers and British territory invaded and then why then the response was incomparable .

  27. 但与最近抵御外敌的长篇大论相比,朝鲜国家媒体几乎没有提到过周一的冲突。

    But in contrast to recent tirades against its enemies , North Korea state media hardly made mention of the conflict on Monday .

  28. 60年前结束的抗日战争,是近代史上中国人民反抗外敌入侵第一次取得完全胜利的民族解放战争。

    The Anti-Japanese War that ended 60 years ago signaled the first and thorough victory over the foreign invasion in Chinese contemporary history .

  29. 抗战时期的文化内迁是中华民族为抵御外敌侵略、取得抗战胜利所作出的被动选择。

    Culture inland move during Anti-Japanese War is a passive choice of the Chinese nation in order to resist invasion and win the war .

  30. 战争、外敌入侵、外敌行为、敌对行为或类似战争行为(无论宣战与否)、内战。

    War , invasion , act of foreign enemy , hostilities or warlike operations ( whether war be declared or not ), civil war .