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  • foreign secretary;foreign minister;secretary of foreign affairs
  1. 他是怎样在成为外交大臣以后的17年间保住最高职位的?

    How does he stay on top , 17 years after becoming foreign minister ?

  2. 外交大臣将要访问中国。

    The Foreign Minister is to visit China

  3. 这是外交大臣典型的有信心的表现。

    It was a typically robust performance by the Foreign Secretary .

  4. 外交大臣现正和白宫的对等官员会谈。

    The Foreign Secretary is currently having talks with his opposite number in the White House .

  5. 外交大臣就该条约发表的观点有大量记述并被屡屡提及。

    The Foreign Secretary 's views on the treaty are well-documented and oft-repeated

  6. 两国的外交大臣今天签署了文件。

    The foreign ministers of the two countries signed the documents today .

  7. 一位英国外交大臣坚决维护这个协议。

    A British Foreign Office minister has made a robust defence of the agreement

  8. 外交大臣的话对本周较早时候发表的一份模棱两可的声明作出了澄清。

    The Foreign Secretary 's remarks clarify an ambiguous statement issued earlier this week .

  9. 他无意让外交大臣抢他的风头。

    He had no intention of letting the Foreign Secretary steal any of his thunder .

  10. 外交大臣附和了这一看法。

    The Foreign Secretary echoed this sentiment .

  11. 报道称,外交大臣表示如果外交努力不能奏效将不得不使用武力。

    The foreign secretary is reported as saying that force will have to be used if diplomacy fails

  12. 外交大臣决定在有关该社群未来的讨论中采取攻势。

    The Foreign Secretary has decided to take the offensive in the discussion on the future of the community .

  13. 比利时外交大臣回应说,保护难民是国际组织的事情。

    The Belgian Minister of Foreign Affairs responded that the protection of refugees was a matter for an international organization

  14. 18个月前,人们普遍猜测前外交大臣可能会空降至苏格兰议会。

    There was intense speculation 18 months ago that the former foreign secretary might be parachuted into the Scottish Parliament .

  15. 那位外交大臣向国王呈递了国书。

    The foreign secretary presented his credentials to the king .

  16. 本文作者是英国前外交大臣、南希尔兹(SouthShields)议员

    The writer is former UK foreign secretary and MP for South Shields

  17. 以上是新任外交大臣威廉·黑格(WilliamHague)的讲话。

    That was William Hague , the new foreign secretary .

  18. 外交大臣JackStraw()向赖斯递交了一份正式信函,代表欧盟要求美国澄清有关黑狱的报道。

    The foreign secretary , Jack Straw , sent Ms Rice a formal letter on behalf of the EU requesting " clarification " of the reports .

  19. 新首相是一位诚挚的欧洲怀疑论者,尽管不像其外交大臣威廉黑格(WilliamHague)那么强烈。

    The prime minister is a heartfelt eurosceptic though not quite as viscerally so as his foreign secretary William Hague .

  20. 英国外交大臣米利班德在接受BBC采访时抨击利比亚对迈格拉希释回国所采取的处理方式。

    Speaking on the BBC , British Foreign Secretary David Miliband criticized Libya 's handing of Megrahi 's arrival .

  21. 在英国外交大臣威廉黑格(WilliamHague)最近的评论中,核武军备竞赛的威胁显得迫在眉睫。

    The threat of a nuclear arms race loomed large in recent comments by William Hague , the British foreign secretary .

  22. 一年前,仍担任外交大臣的米利班德向美国国务卿希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)阐述了同样的论点。

    Mr Miliband made much the same case to Hillary Clinton a year ago while he was still serving as foreign secretary .

  23. 英国外交大臣DavidMiliband在科伦坡对记者说,这是国际社会对停火要求的失误。

    Speaking to reporters in Colombo , British Foreign Affairs Secretary David Miliband calls that a mischaracterization of the international calls for a cease-fire .

  24. 英国外交大臣将在复活节宴会上向伦敦的外交官们发表演说,而英国财政大臣将于明年6月在金融城市长官邸(MansionHouse)举行的银行家宴会上,发表一年一度的演讲。

    The foreign secretary will address London 's diplomats at the Easter banquet , and the chancellor of the exchequer will give the annual Mansion House speech at the bankers ' dinner in June .

  25. 本周,两名前外交大臣&杰克•斯特劳(JackStraw)和马尔科姆•里夫金德爵士(SirMalcolmRifkind)因利用议员身份谋取商业利益而引起大众的愤怒。

    This week two former foreign secretaries , Jack Straw and Sir Malcolm Rifkind , were caught up in the furore about MPs ' business interests .

  26. 这次国际会议由英国政府召集。但是英国外交大臣黑格(WilliamHague)表示,为叛军提供武装的问题并不在议事日程上。

    But British Foreign Secretary William Hague , whose government d the international conference , said the question of arming the rebels was not on the agenda .

  27. 英国前外交大臣赫德勋爵(lordhurd)指出,西方国家应放宽与伊朗或哈马斯组织(hamas)进行谈判的条件。

    Lord Hurd , a former British Foreign Secretary , argues that the West should relax its conditions on talking to Iran or the militant group Hamas .

  28. 英国外交大臣戴维·米利班德告诉BBC电视台,阿富汗人民需要一个可靠的政府,能够真正严肃地领导国家。

    British Foreign Secretary David Miliband has told BBC Television that Afghanistan needs a credible government that can actually lead that country in a serious way .

  29. 她是在与英国外交大臣戴维·米利班德(DavidMiliband)会晤后发表上述讲话的。此前,巴基斯坦陆军突击队经过一场惊心动魄的拂晓前突袭,已重新获得了该基地的控制权。

    Her comments , after a meeting with UK foreign secretary David Miliband , came as army commandoes regained control of the base in a dramatic pre-dawn raid .

  30. 外交大臣威廉•黑格(WilliamHague)称,他们不会参与培训和武装卡扎菲上校的敌人.但是会提供军事组织,通讯和后勤方面的建议。

    The Foreign Secretary William Hague said they would not be involved in training or arming opponents of Colonel Gaddafi but would advise on military organisation , communications and logistics .