
  • 网络Peripheral layer;Outer Rings
  1. 偶应力两层流体通过狭窄管腔时外围层的粘度效应

    Peripheral effects of the couple stress two - layer fluid through a tube with stenosis

  2. 企业文化是一个多层次的体系,可以大致分为核心层和外围层。

    It is a multiple-level system , which can be classified into two levels : the central level and the outer level .

  3. 政府新闻发言人专业知识体系的架构,分为三个层次:核心层、中间层和外围层。

    Government spokesman professional knowledge system framework can be divided into three levels : the core layer , middle layer and outer layer .

  4. 产业体系构建。以产业价值链为纽带,构建了遗址文化产业体系,并分为核心层、外围层和相关层。

    The 2nd , according to industrial value chain , the system of ruins culture industry is constructed which is composed of key layer , peripheral layer and related layer .

  5. 核心层包括新闻传播、政府公关;中间层包括公关礼仪、演讲艺术;外围层包括所在部门的相关专业知识以及一定的文化积累。

    Core layer includes news media , public relations ; the middle layer consists of public relations etiquette , speech arts ; the outer layer involves relevant professional knowledge and cultural accumulation .

  6. 校园文化是一种果树型的结构层次,由核心层、中间层、外围层和支撑层构成,校园精神是校园文化的基因文化。

    The campus culture is some sort of " fruit tree ", it is formed by the core tier , the intermediate tier , the periphery and supporting tire , the campus spirit is the campus culture 's " gene " .

  7. 基础性开发包括傣文贝叶历史档案的编目、翻译、数字化建设等环节,内涵式发掘则根据我国《文化及相关产业分类》分别从核心层、外围层、相关层三个层面进行实施。

    Basic ways of exploitation for Dai Palm-leaf Manuscripts include cataloging , translation , digital construction , etc. Advanced ways of exploitation are introduced from the core layer , the outer layer and the relevant layer , according to " Classification of Culture and Related Industry in China " .

  8. 幔枝构造是地幔热柱多级演化的第三级构造单元,其核部变质&岩浆杂岩隆起与外围盖层之间的主拆离带体系是很好的成矿控矿构造。

    The main detachment zone system between metamorphic magmatic complex uplift and cover of the periphery of the mantle branch is good for ore-forming and ore-controlling structures .

  9. 大庆外围油田油水层荧光显微图像特征

    Fluorescent micro-image characteristics of oil / water zones for Daqing peripheral oilfields

  10. 大庆外围油田储层综合分类评价方法研究

    Comprehensive Classification and Evaluation Method of Daqing Peripheral Oilfields Reservoir

  11. 细胞壁:存在于植物细胞,真菌细胞,细菌细胞和藻类细胞外围的一层厚壁。

    Cell wall A rigid wall surrounding the cells of plants , fungi , bacteria , and algae .

  12. 大庆外围油田储层物性差、体横向变化大、层密集。

    The peripheral oil fields of Daqing have a poor reservoir property , obvious lateral alternation of sand body , and condensed faults .

  13. 再过15年左右,旅行者号将会穿过更外围的日光层,成为史上首个进入星际空间的人造物体。这真的太让人惊叹了!

    In another fifteen years or so it will pass the outer edge of the Heliosphere - a human-made object moving for the first time in history into true interstellar space . It 's an awesome thought .

  14. 通过室内酸化流动实验,得出M2配比的酸型对大庆外围低渗透储层的酸化效果较好。

    According to laboratory acidification experiment , M2 type acid is effective to the low-permeability reservoirs of Daqing 's peripheral oilfield .

  15. 结果表明,选用胞质均一致密,外围至少有3层以上卵丘细胞包裹的A级卵母细胞,添加浓度为1μg/ml的E2、5μM的?

    Oocytes of grade A with uniform and compact cytoplasm and parceled by at least three layers of cumulus cells were chosen .

  16. 大庆外围低渗透储层多孔介质分类方法及应用

    Method for the Classification of Porous Media of Daqing 's Peripheral Low Permeability Reservoirs and Application

  17. 采用聚类分析法对大庆外围低渗透储层多孔介质进行了分类。

    The porous media of low permeability reservoirs in Daqing peripheral oilfield was classified by applying the cluster analysis method .

  18. 建筑是一个带有廊柱入口的混凝土框架,外围覆上一层模块化的表皮。

    Each building comprises a concrete frame , with an entrance colonnade and a series of baysrepeated on a modular grid .

  19. 针对大庆油田外围低渗透储层压裂增产改造的需要,研发了一种新型聚合物压裂液体系。

    We have developed a new polymer fracturing fluid for stimulating the fracturing production of peripheral low permeability reservoir in Daqing oil field .

  20. 结果表明,卵母细胞胞质均一致密,外围至少有3层以上的颗粒细胞包裹,而且包裹致密的卵母细胞能用来生产体外胚胎。

    Moreover , the result also showed only those oocytes of intact tight cumulus cell and cytoplasm uniform can be used to produce vitro embryos .

  21. 灯笼的骨架是由轻薄的白桦木制成,外围包着一层半透明的衬布。

    The lantern 's frame was made with laminated birch wood , and the entire form was covered in a translucent layer of interfacing lining fabric .

  22. 本文简述了复电阻率测井的理论基础,优选了应用复电阻率测井资料在大庆长垣外围油田识别油水层的图版。

    This paper formulates the theoretical basis of it and gives the optimized interpretation chart for oil and water layer i-dentification in Changyuan of Daqing with the well logging data .

  23. 根据样本总得分,运用聚类分析,进行储层分级,该方法成功地应用于大庆油田外围低渗透储层评价,为低渗透储层的合理开发提供了理论依据。

    The reservoirs are evaluated by applied FCM with the scores of the samples . This method has been successfully applied to the evaluation of low-permeability reservoirs in Daqing peripheral oilfield .

  24. 通过观察,发现丝纤维最基本的结构单元是直径为200~550A的微原纤,微原纤聚集形成一千至数千埃的原纤,微原纤和原纤外围均有一无序层。

    The observation reveals that the most fundamental element ot silk fibre is microfibril with a diameter of 200 & 550 angstron , while the aggregation of microfibrils will form fibril with a diameter of one or several thousands of angstron .

  25. 针对大庆外围西部地区储层流体识别难度大的实际,研究了各套含油层系储层地质特征及测井响应特点,建立了油水层识别模型。

    In view of the fact that the reservoir fluid in the western periphery of Daqing oilfield is difficult to recognize , we have studied the geological features and the logging response characteristics of the various oil-containing formations and established models for the oil and water layer recognition .