
qǐ mǐ
  • ornate ;beautiful and intricate
绮靡 [qǐ mí]
  • [ornate] 华丽,浮艳(多指诗文)

  • 诗缘情而绮靡,赋体物而浏亮。--陆机《文赋》

  • 文句绮靡亦伤情

  1. 结藻清英缘情绮靡&论西晋诗歌之唯美化追求

    On Seeking for Beauty in the Poems of Western Jin Dynasty

  2. 严苛的生活禁忌与绮靡的精神放纵&李贺创作心态论

    Rigorous Taboos in Life and Ornate Spiritual Indulgence & on the state of mind in Li He 's writing

  3. 陈叔宝文学群体也有文章创作的群体性倾向,他们的文风呈现出绮靡艳冶、细腻婉致、滑稽娱情等特征。

    The literary groups of Chen Shu Bao also tended to groups creation , their style of writing were bright , delicate and funny .

  4. 第二节把其诗歌的艺术风格概括为绮靡婉至、深宏蕴藉,并简要论述了其形成原因。

    Section II of the artistic style of his poems summarized as " Gorgeous Circumbendibus Profound meaning ", and briefly discusses the reasons for its formation .

  5. 宫体诗的风格是轻艳,而内容的香艳、立意的肤浅、态度的轻薄以及文词的绮靡都是形成轻艳风格的基本因素。

    The style of court poetry is light and romantic , while its amorous content , shallow conception , frivolous attitude and fabulous words , are all basic factors in forming the style .

  6. 绮靡为缘情的外在属性,指诗歌语言形式的精妙和风格的柔美。

    The " Qimi " style of poetry as the extrinsic attributes of the " Yuanqin ", the emotion-oriented principle of poetry , refers to the subtle forms of poetic language and the soft poetry style .