
jí tuān
  • rapids;torrent;swift current
急湍 [jí tuān]
  • [swift current;rapids;torrent] 急流

急湍[jí tuān]
  1. 本文结合某电站水下地形测量应用实例,找到了解决急湍河段水下地形测量的一种可行方法。

    Combined with an underwater topography survey case at a hydropower station , this paper found a feasible method to survey underwater topography on swift current river .

  2. 急湍河段水下地形测量方法探讨

    Discussion on underwater topography survey method on swift current river

  3. 河水淙淙地流过急湍。

    The river brawled over the rapids .

  4. 但我们的步伐很慢,因为当流经深深的峡谷时,这条河流急转弯很多,急湍的河水都似乎沸腾起来。

    Our pace was slow because the river frequently had many sharp bends through deep valleys , where the water seemed to boil .

  5. 现在我们在岩石嶙峋的格伦科山谷里,两边高山林立,中间有一条河急湍而过。

    We were in the rocky valley of Glencoe , with high mountains on both sides , and a river running fast through the middle .