
  • 网络a card phone;magnetic card telephone
  1. 公用电话亭和磁卡电话亭到处可见。

    Public telephone boxes and magnetic card phone boxes can be seen everywhere .

  2. 我可以用用对面的磁卡电话打长途吗?

    May I make a long-distance call through the opposite magnetic card phone ?

  3. 集成电路(IC)卡公用付费电话系统是继投币电话、磁卡电话之后适应我国公用电话业务发展需要的新一代公用电话设备。

    The lC card public payphone system is a new gen-eration of public telephone equipment developed to accomodate the development of the public telephone service in China .

  4. 磁卡电话、可视电话、电子信函等业务皆可办理。

    Phone cards , video telephone , E-mail , etc. are all available .

  5. 电传、传真、磁卡电话、移动通讯网络全面贯通。

    Telex , fax , magnetic card calls and cellular phone communication systems have provided users with all different services .

  6. 刚进大学时,陌生的环境,陌生的人群,甚至连宿舍楼下的磁卡电话也是陌生的。

    When I first entered the university , I felt quite unfamiliar with the environment , the crowd of people , and even with the IC phone below the dormitory .

  7. 使用该报警器,一旦有人在邮电局的磁卡电话或IC卡电话线上盗打电话,测量室值班人员立即能获知。

    With the utility model , once someone calls stealthily on the lines of cardphones or IC card telephones of post and telegraph offices , operators on duty in a measurement room can immediately know .

  8. 电话磁卡/磁卡电话

    A phone card / a card phone

  9. 简要介绍了磁卡和IC卡公用电话的有关知识及国际、国内发展应用的情况,通过对二者的比较,提出了天津市应尽早采用IC卡公用电话的建议。

    This paper introduces the basic knowledge of magentic card an IC telephone set , and also presents the development and application at home and abroad . Through comparing between the two , proposes the suggestion that Tianjin should use IC telephone set as early as possible .