
  • 网络peaceful garden;Serene Garden
  1. 压力就是隔在两座宁静花园里的一道墙一座你现在所在的花园和一座你想要去的花园。

    Stress is but a wall between two peaceful gardens the garden where you are and garden where you want to be .

  2. 这所美丽的村舍是15世纪时的建筑,有茅草房顶和宁静的花园,漂亮极了,简直和画上一样

    This charming cottage dates back to the 15th century and is as pretty as a picture , with its thatched roof and secluded garden .

  3. 我们家房子有个宁静的花园。

    We have a peaceful garden in our house .

  4. 她在草地上坐了一会儿,和孩子们在洒满阳光、宁静的花园里说笑着。

    She sat down on the grass and stayed for a while , talking and laughing with the children in the quiet , sunny garden .

  5. 逃避到一个在市中心宁静的花园飞地-从乌节路商店和娱乐场所,并从金融区仅数分钟的步骤。

    Escape into a quiet garden enclave in the heart of the city – steps from Orchard Road shops and entertainment , and just minutes from the financial district .

  6. 在雅加达的中央商务区的中心地带,四季酒店是一个宁静的热带花园内撤退。

    In the heart of Jakarta 's central business district , Four Seasons Hotel is a tranquil retreat within tropical gardens .

  7. 从守卫在干清门的镀金狮子到宁静的御花园,美丽的紫禁城保存完好。

    The Forbidden City is beautiful and well preserved , from the gilded lions guarding the Gate of Heavenly Purity to the serene Imperial Garden .

  8. 斯坦盯着这座宁静的日本岩石花园看了好几个小时。

    Stan stared for hours at the quiescent scene of the Japanese rock garden .

  9. 试着想象舒缓的图像,比如云朵或是一处宁静的地方:花园、田野或沙滩,只要能让你放松就可以。

    Try visualizing soothing images such clouds or a peaceful place ; a garden or field or beach , whatever soothes you .

  10. 宁静的地方露天花园、公园、水池以及人烟稀少的教堂、寺庙都是集中精力的绝佳场所。

    Peaceful Place A peaceful place like an outdoor garden , park , pond or an indoor place like a church or temple during quiet hours can provide the ideal atmosphere to focus .