
  • 网络color;signal color
  1. 安东尼指出:我们的很多产品是绿色的。青柠绿是JosephJoseph公司的标志色,就连会议室的椅子也是这个颜色。

    We do sell a lot of green , Antony notes , referring to the signature Joseph Joseph lime that is even used to upholster their boardroom chairs .

  2. 有机溶剂体系合成纤维原液着色剂的研究及应用标志色,着色剂,指色剂

    Research and application of colorant for dope dyed synthetic fiber in organic solvent system

  3. 标志色,着色剂,指色剂(用来指颜色)有相对少的颜色。

    Fugitive tinting colours ( used of color ) having a relatively small amount of coloring agent .

  4. 其它聚合物添加剂包括染色剂、抗静电剂、发泡剂、防腐剂和加工助剂或润滑剂。标志色,着色剂,指色剂

    Other polymer additives are colorants , antistatic agents , foaming agents , preservatives , and processing aid or lubricants . fugitive tinting colours

  5. 色彩调查设备缺乏,色彩教育意识淡薄,色彩推荐谱不完备,色彩标准管理不统一,城市标志色概念模糊等造成我国城市色彩研究在国际上还处于落后的地位。

    The color research equipments lacks , the color education consciousness is weak , the color recommends the illustration has not complete , color standard management disunity , the concept of urban primal color still misty etc , all these make that fall behind among nations .

  6. 交通标志灯色饱和图像的色彩校正

    Color rectification of the saturated traffic sign image

  7. 泰勒总是在每次外出时把自己打扮的很漂亮,她的眼线眼影都画得恰到好处。她当天也涂上了她的标志红宝石色口红,烈焰红唇很是醒目。

    The star was nicely made up for her outing , her eyes played up with just the right amount of kohl liner , her signature ruby red lipstick drawing attention to her naturally plump pout .

  8. 生物标志物的色/质数据处理

    A Data Processing of Biomarkers by GC / MS

  9. 通过苗族银饰品牌形象的设计,对于品牌名称、品牌标志和标准色以及品牌广告语的设计,使得时尚化的苗族银饰品牌形象越发清晰明确。

    Miao silverware design of brand image , brand name , brand identity , and standard color and brand advertising language design , making the Miao silverware fashion brand image more clear .