
dú shū
  • read;study;read a book;attend school
读书 [dú shū]
  • (1) [read]∶看着书本出声读或默读

  • (2) [study]∶正式学习一个科目或课程

  • 她读书很用功

读书[dú shū]
  1. 她读书时间长了就头疼。

    She got a headache if she had to read for any length of time .

  2. 姐姐教我读书。

    Didi taught me how to read .

  3. 我当时不想去大的综合性大学读书。

    I didn 't want to go to a large university .

  4. 读书以自娱和读书以学习是不相同的。

    Reading for pleasure and reading for study are not the same .

  5. 她总是埋头读书。

    She always has her head buried in a book .

  6. 她还在读书时父母就去世了。

    Her parents died while she was still at school .

  7. 她的爱好是音乐、读书和手工。

    Her hobbies are music , reading and handicraft .

  8. 他的新作是所有犯罪小说爱好者的必读书。

    His new novel is a must for all lovers of crime fiction .

  9. 在学校读书时我总觉得语言很难学。

    I always found languages quite hard at school .

  10. 她总是埋头读书。

    She always has her head in a book .

  11. 我儿子读书的学校任命了一位新校长。

    They have appointed a new head teacher at my son 's school .

  12. 现在大多数孩子都喜欢看电视而不喜欢读书。

    Nowadays most kids prefer watching TV to reading .

  13. 在学校读书时那些大男孩联合起来欺负他,辱骂他。

    At school the older boys ganged up on him and called him names .

  14. 我的业余爱好包括读书和绘画。

    My hobbies include reading and painting .

  15. 我们的小女儿在大学读书。

    Our youngest girl is at college .

  16. 她在学院读书。

    She 's at college .

  17. 有些国家的儿童到了六岁才开始读书写字。

    In some countries children don 't start learning to read and write until they are six .

  18. 他们还在试图教她读书写字。

    They were still trying to teach her to read and write

  19. 茅草亭是独自放松和读书的阴凉清幽之所。

    Thatched pavilions provide shady retreats for relaxing and reading in privacy .

  20. 今年的活动包括读书会、讲座和研讨会。

    This year 's event consisted of readings , lectures and workshops .

  21. 她已无法再供他读书。

    She could no longer afford to keep him at school

  22. 这是一个和睦的集体,学生们开心玩耍,用功读书。

    It is a harmonious community where pupils are happy and industrious .

  23. 他把教孩子们热爱读书当做自己的使命。

    He made it his crusade to teach children to love books .

  24. 他钻进被窝开始读书。

    He got into bed and started to read .

  25. 她每天就是读读书,看看电视。

    She spends her days reading and watching television .

  26. 读书并非英国人很喜欢的休闲活动。

    Reading books does not rate highly among Britons as a leisure activity .

  27. 我周围是些经常读书写文章的人,我是在他们的熏陶下长大的。

    I was brought up among people who read and wrote a lot .

  28. 那使我喜欢上了读书。

    That gave me a taste for reading .

  29. 尽管小学毕业后就再没有受过正规的教育,他却十分爱读书。

    Although his formal education stopped after primary school , he was an avid reader

  30. 我很喜欢她读书给我们听。

    I like it when she reads to us