- chrysolite;peridot;bottle stone;chrysolyte

The Fo value of olivine in the olivine-pyroxenite xenoliths is the highest and its subspecies is chrysolite near to the end point of forsterite .
From melteigite to ijolite to urtite , the Fo value of olivine is gradually decreased and its subspecies is from chrysolite near to the end point of forsterite to chrysolite near to the end point of hyalosiderite to ferrohortonolite .
Effect of Adding Ceramic Particles on Grain Refining in Low-Carbon Microalloy Steel small granule ( of e.g. chrysolite ) found in some meteoric rocks .
Small granule ( of e.g. chrysolite ) found in some meteoric rocks . Formation Conditions and Age for Garnet Lherzolite from Eastern Shandong and Northern Jiangsu , China
A tiny particle of meteoric dust , especially one of many that fall to the surface of the earth or moon . small granule ( of e.g. chrysolite ) found in some meteoric rocks .