
cuì yù
  • jadeite;blue jade
翠玉 [cuì yù]
  • [jadeite] 矿物,成分是NaAl(Si 2 O 6 ),绿色,蓝绿或白色中带绿色斑纹,有玻璃光泽,可做装饰品。也叫硬玉

翠玉[cuì yù]
  1. 它就象翠玉一样碧绿,回响震耳欲聋。

    It was green as an emerald , and the reverberation was stunning .

  2. 调Q紫翠玉宝石激光治疗太田痣远期疗效观察

    Nevus of Ota Treated by Q-switched Alexandrite Laser : a Study of Long Therapeutic Effect

  3. [结论]调Q紫翠玉治疗口唇色素斑,安全而有效。

    [ Conclusion ] Q-switched Alexandrite laser therapy is both safe and effective for mucocutaneous melanosis in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome .

  4. [方法]以调Q紫翠玉激光治疗2例患者,剂量6-8J/cm2。

    [ Method ] 2 cases of Peutz-Jeghers syndrome underwent Q-switched Alexandrite laser therapy and the clinical response was evaluated .

  5. 溶剂热法制备翠玉状Fe3O4微晶及表征溶剂热合成法制备锐钛矿型TiO2溶胶及粉体

    Solvothermal Fabrication and Characterization of Jade-like Fe_3O_4 Microcrystal PREPARATION OF ANATASE TiO_2 SOL AND POWDER BY SOLVOTHERMAL SYNTHESIS

  6. 它就象翠玉一样碧绿,回响震耳欲聋。溶剂热法制备翠玉状Fe3O4微晶及表征

    It was green as an emerald , and the reverberation was stunning . Solvothermal Fabrication and Characterization of Jade-like Fe_3O_4 Microcrystal

  7. Q开关紫翠玉激光和强脉冲光治疗亚洲人雀斑和痣的疗效比较:一项随机、医生单盲、左右面部比较研究

    A comparison of Q-switched alexandrite laser and intense pulsed light for the treatment of freckles and lentigines in Asian persons : A randomized , physician-blinded , split-face comparative trial

  8. [目的]探讨调Q紫翠玉激光治疗Peutz-Jeghers综合征口唇色素斑的临床疗效。

    [ Objective ] To evaluate the clinical response of mucocutaneous melanosis in Peutz-Jeghers syndrome to Q-switched Alexandrite laser therapy .

  9. 结果表明:成熟期‘翠玉’和‘初夏绿’的可溶性固形物(TSS)和可溶性糖低于‘翠冠’。

    The results showed that total soluble solids and soluble sugars of ' Cuiyu ' and ' Chuxialu ' were lower than ' Cuiguan ' pear .

  10. 结果表明,棚架栽培透光条件较好时,铺设反光膜对‘翠玉’果实单果重、硬度、TSS和可溶性糖含量无显著影响,只是显著提高了果实外观品质。

    The results showed that the fruit weight , hardness , TSS , soluble sugars were little affected by RF in open field and shed frame cultivation with good light condition , but the appearance quality was greatly improved by RF .

  11. 我看到了有名的翠玉白菜和东坡肉形石,你知道吗?

    R : I saw famous Jadeite Cabbage with Insects and Meat-shaped Stone .

  12. 许多翠玉之厅的稀有掉落物将增加。

    O Many of the Emerald Halls rare drop items have been increased .

  13. 农夫在翠玉中找到珠宝。

    Nung-fu finds precious stones in the jade .

  14. 谁用翠玉丝带般的河川把地球编织得这样好看?

    Who laced and filleted the earth so fine with rivers like green ribbons smaragdine ?

  15. 它有翠玉一般的翅膀,颈部的白色纹路很清晰。

    It has the general jade wings , neck , white lines is very clear .

  16. 站在清朝的翠玉白菜前面曼蒂:这绿色跟白色是天然生成的。

    In front of the Qing Dynasty jade cabbage Maddie : The green and white are natural .

  17. 珍珠象徵著美丽和纯洁;翠玉被认为是一个好兆头。

    Pearls are a symbol of beauty and chastity ; Alexandrite is thought to be a good omen .

  18. 而其中,翠玉白菜的白,代表女子的纯洁,上面的两只螽斯则象征子孙绵延。

    The white and jade represent a woman 's purity and the two grasshoppers symbolize the hope for progeny .

  19. 颜色变幻的花样渐渐没有了,翠玉和青玉的各种色度也从我们的头顶上消失了。

    The magic of these solar colors disappeared little by little , with emerald and sapphire shades vanishing from our surroundings altogether .

  20. 如果你有时间,到周末玉市去就可以找到“有虫虫的翠玉白菜”。

    When you have time , visit the Weekend Jade Market and you may find the " Green Cabbage with Cicadas " there .

  21. 生产上适当延迟采收‘翠玉’梨可以提高果实蔗糖含量进而提高果实总糖含量及果实甜度。

    Delaying harvest can improve the sucrose content of the fruit and thus increase the total sugar content of fruits and fruit sweetness of ' Cuiyu ' pear .

  22. 年内,该处透过应用农业研究计划,引进两个适合本地种植的新蔬菜品种,即彩色甜椒和翠玉瓜。

    Through the applied agricultural research programme of the department , two new vegetable varieties suitable for local production , namely coloured sweet pepper and zucchini , were introduced in 1999 .

  23. 当我走进洞穴,我看到了一块翠玉,上面写着字,那是从赫尔墨斯的双手间被书写出来。从那里我发现了以下这些文字。

    When I entered into the cave , I received the tablet zaradi , which was inscribed , from between the hands of Hermes , in which I discovered these words .

  24. 主要结果如下:1.以‘翠玉’、‘翠冠’和‘初夏绿’为试验材料,研究比较了三者果实生长发育过程中果实品质及参与糖代谢相关酶的活性之间的差异。

    The main results were as follows : 1 . ' Cuiyu ' pear ,' Cuiguan ' pear and ' Chuxialu ' pear were used as materials in this study to compare the differences on fruit quality and sugar metabolism enzymes during growth period .