
  1. 新西兰罗托鲁阿污水处理厂的处理工艺

    Treatment Technology of Rotorua Sewage Treatment Plant in New Zealand

  2. 就像在纽西兰的罗托鲁阿。

    Like these in rotorua , in new zealand .

  3. 两个月以前,她去了罗托鲁阿,那里是毛利人的居住地。

    Two months ago , she went to Rotorua , a palce where maoris live in .

  4. 罗托鲁阿和中国的许多风景区有很大不同,那儿是一个很漂亮的地方并且很值得一看。

    Rotorua have many differences with scenic area in China . It 's a real beautiful place and is well worth visiting .