
  • 网络Naju;guerrero;KOROR
  1. 它已了解到,迪亚斯枢机是在联盟与圣父关于罗州。

    It has been understood that Cardinal Dias is in union with the Holy Father regarding Naju .

  2. 而抗议者们邀请CNN记者走访格雷罗州首府主要广场他们搭建的帐篷。

    The protesters granted CNN rare access inside their tent city in the main square of Guerrero 's capital .

  3. 门冬胰岛素30与人胰岛素30R临床治疗比较包括婆罗州,西里伯斯岛和爪哇以及苏门答辣岛的一系列岛。

    Comparison of the Effect and Safety between Premixed Insulin Aspart 30 and Human Insulin Premix 70 / 30 in the Patients with Type 2 Diabetes a chain of islands including Borneo and Celebes and Java and Sumatra .

  4. 英国军队曾用这种水陆两用交通工具在婆罗州作过军事演习。

    The British Army used these amphibious craft in military operations in borneo .

  5. 包括婆罗州,西里伯斯岛和爪哇以及苏门答辣岛的一系列岛。

    A chain of islands including Borneo and Celebes and Java and Sumatra .

  6. 而在格雷罗州,这个地方因为一些最爆炸性的示威活动而被人们熟知。

    In Guerrero , they are known for some of the most explosive demonstrations .

  7. 布鲁姆菲尔德:美国科罗拉罗州中北部一城市,丹佛的一个郊区。人口24638。

    A city of north-central Colorado , a suburb of Denver . Population , 24,638 .

  8. 他从来就不曾像个文明人,他有点像婆罗州的猿人。

    He 's never truly been domesticated . he 's like the ape-man of borneo .

  9. 抗议者们都是墨西哥南部格雷罗州教师工会的成员。

    The protesters are members of a teachers ' union from all over the southern Mexican state of Guerrero .

  10. 上个月伊瓜拉镇和科库拉镇的警察确定学生遇袭的地点在南部的格雷罗州。

    Last month police from the towns of Iguala and Cocula , located in the southern state of Guerrero , attacked the students .

  11. 当日在格雷罗州首府阿卡普尔科正举行墨西哥2009年旅游博览会,地震发生后,与会人员纷纷跑出会场。

    Day in Acapulco , Guerrero state capital of Mexico is holding a travel fair in2009 , after the earthquake , the participants have run the venue .

  12. 地震震中位于墨西哥南部格雷罗州奇潘西戈市附近,在首都墨西哥城以南250公里。

    The earthquake epicenter is located in the State of Guerrero in southern Mexico near the city of west , in the capital , 250 kilometers south of Mexico City .

  13. 一个伊利诺伊州男人离开他已经开始下雪的芝加哥的家、要去南方的福罗里达州度假。

    An Illinois man left the snowballed streets of Chicago for a vacation in Florida .

  14. 现在他在保护NexusofAllRealities,这个地方坐落于福罗里达州的一个沼泽的中心。

    Now he protects the Nexus of All Realities , hidden inside a swamp within the Florida Everglades .

  15. 尽管人们对福罗里达州的TrayvonMartin枪击案和前国会女议员GabrielleGiffords枪击案极其愤怒,这也没有引发枪支管制的立法。

    So even as outrage is sparked over shootings such as that of Trayvon Martin in Florida and former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in Arizona , there is little appetite for gun-control legislation .

  16. 总统奥巴马已经签署了北卡罗那州的天灾声明。

    President Obama signed a disaster declaration for North Carolina .

  17. 它是加利福尼亚州,德克萨斯州,福罗里达州还是乔治亚州?

    Is it California , Texas , Florida or Georgia .

  18. 在农场里,一群小狗和奶牛聚在一起。(2010年摄于美国福罗里达州中部)

    Dogs herding cattle on a ranch in Central Florida , US , 2010 .

  19. 我在福罗里达州的迈阿密长大。

    I grew up in Miami , Florida .

  20. Driggers女士的学生大概知道这个,因为它是他们的老家福罗里达州。

    Mrs. Driggers ' students probably knew this one , because it 's their home state of Florida .

  21. 他是来到福罗里达州的一名沙特阿拉伯人,现已被送往奥兰多医院进行救治。

    He 's a resident of Saudi Arabia who 's visiting Florida and is now in an Orlando hospital .

  22. 一位南福罗里达州女性收到近期话费账单时震惊了:她欠电信公司20万零1千美元。

    A South Florida woman got a shock when she opened a recent cell phone bill : she owed $ 201,000 .

  23. 在福罗里达州的塔拉哈希,他们将为我们的海外部队及家属组装护理包。

    In Tallahassee , Florida , they 'll assemble care packages for our troops overseas and their families here at home .

  24. 周日下达的这一命令,覆盖范围从路易斯安那州东部的密西西比河入口至福罗里达州的盘撒库拉湾水域。

    Sunday 's order extended from the mouth of the Mississippi River in Louisiana east to waters of Pensacola Bay in Florida .

  25. 惠特尼指出,福罗里达州已发行的市政债券90%是收入债券,很多与房地产相关。

    Whitney points out that Florida has issued 90 % of its municipal offerings in revenue bonds , many tied to real estate .

  26. 福罗里达州的萨拉索塔县的卫生部门的负责人警告人们警惕有毒病菌(食肉菌),目前已有一人死亡,多人感染。

    Health officials in Sarasota county , Florida are warning people about the dangerous bacterium after one people died and another got sick .

  27. 这个鱼塘是南福罗里达州机场的私人物业,而迪蒙·桑德斯逗留的原因是太喜欢这个鱼塘了。

    The fish pond is a University of Southern Mississippi airport private property , and Dumont Sanders stay because of too much like the ponds .

  28. 你早上起床后,给自己来了杯福罗里达州产的橘子榨出来的橘子汁儿和一杯巴西咖啡豆磨出来的咖啡。

    You wake up in the morning , and you pour yourself juice from oranges grown in Florida and coffee from beans grown in Brazil .

  29. 废除法案曾在一些州提出过,包括(不成功的)福罗里达州,该州有402人在死囚区。

    Repeal bills have been proposed in a number of states , including ( unsuccessfully ) Florida , which has 402 people on death row .

  30. 他目前住在福罗里达州戴顿纳海滩,已婚有四个孩子,为一家弹药公司担任顾问。

    These days , Johnson lives in Daytona Beach , Fla. , is married with four kids and works as a consultant for an ammunition company .