
  • 网络Luo Ting;rudin;Rodding;Dmitri Rudin
  1. 设谜与解谜&重新解读罗亭形象

    Creating a Mystery and Solving It : A New Explanation of the Image of Rudin

  2. 现代性视野中的多余人形象&以《罗亭》为例

    The Image of " Superfluous Man " in Modern Perspective & A Case Study of Rudin

  3. 我叫罗亭撒迪厄斯,沃兴顿鸽。

    I 'm lofty Thaddeus Worthington pigeon .

  4. 罗亭自身所表现出来思想与行为正是这个国家体制不可分割的一部分,又通过这个体制造成他自己个人的悲剧。

    The behavior and thought of Rudin is a part of the Empire institution leading to hia own tragedy .

  5. 本文主要探索黑格尔的历史哲学与屠格涅夫长篇小说《父与子》、《罗亭》之间的关系。

    This thesis mainly explore the relationships between Hegel 's historical philosophy and Turgenev 's novels Rotain and Fathers and Children .