
  • 网络NORBULINGKA;Norbulingka Summer Palace
  1. 罗布林卡,一个人旅行的乐趣和惊喜都在今天!

    Norbulingka , enjoy my day , enjoy the traveling joy !

  2. 他扩大会议,并改组了罗布林卡夏宫,在一种奢侈的方式,在1954年。

    He enlarged and restructured the Norbulingka Summer Palace in a luxury way in1954 .

  3. 罗布林卡特色散论

    The theory of norbulingka 's characteristic

  4. 我们被护送前往罗布林卡皇宫,等待火炬传递的开幕式举行。

    We were all escorted to the Norbulinka Palace to wait for the opening ceremony to begin .

  5. 18世纪40年代以前,罗布林卡还是一片野兽出没,杂草、矮柳丛生的荒地。

    Before1740s , the Norbulingka was a land surrounded by wild animals , weeds , dwarf willows cluster wasteland .

  6. 相对布达拉宫和大昭寺而言,罗布林卡的人文景点和文物很少,对于普通游客来说不一定喜欢这个景点。

    Compared with the Potala palace and the Jokhang , Norbulingka has few cultural relics , thus average tourists don 't necessarily like it .