
  • 网络virgin soil upturned
  1. 《新垦地》曾被认为是社会主义现实主义的经典作品,但其中又有种种与社会主义现实主义不合拍之处。

    Virgin Soil Upturned has ever been considered as classical works of socialist realism , in which , however , there are a series of plots that cannot coincide with socialist realism .

  2. 美国经济学的新垦地&评公共选择理论

    Public choice theory : new areas for U.S.Economic theories

  3. 《新垦地》女性形象研究

    A Study of the Feminine Images in Virgin Soil Upturned A New Mother

  4. 他扮演的角色建立于西部历史和消失了的新垦地的神话之中。

    His hero was firmly rooted in both the history and the mythology of the vanished frontier .

  5. 本文试从女性主义批评视角阐释《新垦地》的女性形象,并对其特殊意义作出分析。

    This thesis mainly interprets the feminine images in Virgin Soil Vpturned on a viewpoint of feminist criticism , and analyses its special signification .

  6. 全世界都迫切需要棉花,而这个县的新垦地还很肥沃,在大量生产这种东西。

    All of the world was crying out for cotton , and the new land of the county , unworn and fertile , produced it abundantly .

  7. 桂西北环境移民安置区新垦蔗地土壤水分动态研究

    Dynamic of Soil Water of Newly cultivated Sugarcane Field in Environmental Immigrants Settlement Area of Northwest Guangxi Province

  8. 为建一座新花园而垦地。

    Dig up land for a new garden .

  9. 在新垦重盐碱地播种甘草,用生长素4号和1号拌种,可分别提高田间出苗率2.9倍和2.6倍。

    And No. 1 in heavy salined soil of new cultivated land , seedling ratio of G. uralensis was increased by 2.9 and 2.6 times .