
  1. 她是一位具有女权思想的新时代女性。

    She is a new woman who possesses feminist spirits .

  2. 未来的舞蹈家正姗姗而来:她有着新时代女性体内的自由灵魂;

    She is coming , the dancer of the future : the free spirit , who will inhabit the body of new women ;

  3. 叶子是否为新时代女性&有岛武郎《一个女人》中的叶子幼小的路易心中已经萌发了现代女性的独立精神和主体意识。

    Whether on Earth Was Ye Zi a New Woman As the new woman is full of female consciousness and independent spirit , she starts to explore the whole world .

  4. 要重建女性形象社会是个很重要的因素,除此之外,女性自身、媒介和博客都应有所作为,共同努力构建新时代女性。

    In order to rebuild the feminine visualization , society is a significant factor , besides , the female , the medium and Blog should make efforts together to set up the feminine visualization in the new times .

  5. 我们决定,在新时代的女性在这里。

    We decided that The New Age of Feminism is here .

  6. 新时代的女性&时代集团总裁王小兰的故事

    A Women In The New Times

  7. 新时代的女性肩负着社会、家庭、自我等多重角色,实现自我价值和社会价值是女性追求的目标,女性正以其独特方式展现着女性的风采。

    The new era of women shoulder multiple roles in society , family and self . The goal pursued by women is to achieve self-value and social value .

  8. 我们是被新观念调养出来的新时代女性,我们相信美丽是深藏在皮肤之下的。obsessedwith为…而困扰不已

    We were the generation raised to believe that beauty is skin deep .

  9. 我们是被新观念调养出来的新时代女性,我们相信美丽是深藏在皮肤之下的。

    ' I looked at the reflection and thought : " Is that fat , middle-aged woman really me ?" 'she confessed .