
  • 网络Royal Park;Park Royal
  1. 该桥位于一个古老的皇家公园内。

    This structure was sited in an ancient royal park .

  2. 第四天:早餐后游览下龙市,参观越南皇家公园,漫步于下龙湾海滩。

    On the fourth day : breakfast , tour of the Long City , Vietnam visited the Royal Park , stroll in Xialongwan beaches .

  3. 皇家公园是一家慈善机构,它出资购买了一个9英尺高的铝制大门,而当地人现在希望将其永久保留下来。

    The Royal Parks , a charity , forked out for nine-foot aluminium gates , which locals now want to make permanent .

  4. 它变得相当流行,到1795年已经在各个地方都有种植,甚至一些皇家公园都被改造以有利于这些友好的马铃薯生长。

    It caught on so well , by 1795 they were grown everywhere , with even some royal gardens being converted to help grow the friendly spud .

  5. 据报道,温格将肯定向科尔询问上述报道的真实性,以确定科尔是否参加了报道中所说的在伦敦皇家公园大饭店进行的会晤。

    Wenger has yet to challenge Cole about whether he attended any meeting in the Royal Park Hotel , preferring to ask him to reiterate his commitment to Arsenal .

  6. 第六天:悉尼早餐后悉尼市区观光,参观极富英国传统色彩的邦地海滩、皇家公园;2000年奥运会。

    Sixth day : after breakfast in sydney , look around in sydney , visit Bangdi beach with traditional UK feature , emperor family park ; the2000 year Olympic Games etc.

  7. 在伦敦切尔西花卉展中,全身彩绘的模特琼娜·阿姆斯手执一枝名为“皇家公园”的杏色玫瑰,亭亭玉立在一处参展花卉的展台旁。

    Model Joanne Armes , who is covered in body paint , poses with the new apricot-colored Rose named the'Royal Parks'near one of the garden show pieces at the Chelsea Flower Show in London .

  8. 坐落在林荫角、皇家橡树和康沃尔公园的中间地段,触手可及这三个景点。穿过一两个街区即可到达当地的网球俱乐部。

    Located in a popular central location handy to Greenwoods Corner , Royal Oak & Cornwall Park , there are even local tennis clubs a block or2 away .