
  • 网络royal yacht
  1. 他正乘皇家游艇去直布罗陀。

    He 's going to Gibraltar on the Royal yacht .

  2. 在女王从皇家游艇上下来时

    During the Queen 's landing from the Royal Yacht

  3. 皇家游艇协会的人找过我们,问我们能不能把船借给他们。

    We were approached by the Royal Yachting Association to see if we would loan our boat to them .

  4. 最终,一艘带有镀金船首的游艇朝向滑铁卢桥(waterloobridge)驶来:当天的皇家游艇thespiritofchartwell。

    Eventually , a river cruiser with a gilded bow headed towards our perch on Waterloo Bridge : the spirit of Chartwell , Royal barge for the day .

  5. 当晚非常尽兴,不久邀请她参加皇家游艇聚会的请柬又接踵而至……..

    The evening was a success , and an invitation to party on the royal yacht came soon after ......

  6. 32岁的凯特王妃早在之前的场合中就穿过这条红褶裙,特别令人印象深刻的是在2012年,在钻石庆典的皇家游艇上,凯特也是穿着这条红裙子。

    Kate , 32 , has worn the designer pleated skirt dress on previous occasions , most famously on the royal barge during the Diamond Jubilee river pageant of 2012 .

  7. 乘坐皇家游艇不列颠号和德比郡古宅查茨沃斯庄园游也将提供减价优惠。该游艇现在停泊在爱丁堡利斯港口。

    Reduced prices will also be offered on stays on the Royal yacht Britannia , now moored in Leith , Edinburgh , and visits to Chatsworth , the historic house in Derbyshire .

  8. 我妈妈被请去给女王设计嫁妆里的所有手套,詹姆斯说,那时候跟现在不同,乘坐皇家游艇度蜜月时你需要好几双手套。

    My mother was invited to design all of the gloves for her trousseau , Ms. James said . Unlike these days , when you went on your honeymoon on the royal yacht you needed several pairs of gloves .

  9. 奥运火炬已经传递到最后一站,它将由皇家荣光女王号游艇沿着泰晤士河一路逆流而上,最终点燃此次奥运会主火炬“大碗”,然后在接下来16天的奥运比赛期间,主火炬一直闪亮。

    The Olympic flame is being taken along the Thames on royal rowbarge Gloriana on the final day of the torch relay . It will be used to light the cauldron that will shine during 16 days of sport .