
  • 网络rhs;royal horticultural society
  1. 我和赫塞尔廷一块站在长长的植物边界旁,这是他5年前在皇家园艺学会字典的帮助下设计出来的。

    I stood with Heseltine beside the long herbaceous border he had designed five years ago with the help of his RHS dictionary .

  2. 来自皇家园艺学会的劳莉雅娜·苏因·查明-普伊(LaurianeSuyinChalmin-Pui)是这项研究的第一作者。

    Lauriane Suyin Chalmin-Pui from the Royal Horticultural Society is the lead author of the study .

  3. RAPD分类结果总体上与英国皇家园艺学会分类系统相符。

    Classification of Narcissus by RAPD was basically coincident to that of British royal horticulture academy .