
  • 网络Royal Hotel;hotel royal
  1. 北京皇家饭店结构工程小流水施工

    Small scale flow method in the construction of the Beijing Royal Hotel project

  2. 朱迪:知道,我会住在马其特街的皇家饭店。

    Judy : Yes . I have a room at the Royal Hotel on Market Street .

  3. 圣詹姆斯皇家饭店的厨师们曾经为女王烹制菜肴。

    Chefs at the St James Court restaurant have cooked for the Queen

  4. 狮子:“森林之王”的狮子往往偏爱能体验尊贵感受的皇家饭店-各类“五星饭店”。

    As the King or Queen of the Jungle , the Lion opts to dine in the sort of restaurants that befit royalty & those of the five-star variety .

  5. 狮子:“森林之王”的狮子往往偏爱能体验尊贵感受的皇家饭店-各类“五星饭店”。

    As the King or Queen of the Jungle , the Lion opts to dine in the sort of restaurants that befit royalty -- those of the five-star variety .

  6. 柏林及哥本哈根的皇家大饭店

    Radisson SAS Hotels in Berlin and Copenhagen

  7. 你知道我一直在努力争取皇家大饭店这个客户吧?

    Uh , so you know how hard I 've been working on the Grand Royal Hotel account ?

  8. 名人堂授勋仪式将在10月19日周四在利物浦的皇家广场饭店举行。

    The Hall of Fame Awards Ceremony will take place on Thursday 19th October at the Liverpool Crowne Plaza Hotel .

  9. 据报道,温格将肯定向科尔询问上述报道的真实性,以确定科尔是否参加了报道中所说的在伦敦皇家公园大饭店进行的会晤。

    Wenger has yet to challenge Cole about whether he attended any meeting in the Royal Park Hotel , preferring to ask him to reiterate his commitment to Arsenal .