
  • 网络Banking;money and banking;Monetary Banking;MSc Banking
  1. 《货币银行学》课程教学方法创新的几点思考

    Thoughts for " Money and Banking " Curriculum Teaching Methods Innovation

  2. 货币银行学是金融学、会计学、财务管理学等财金类专业学生的专业基础必修课。

    Economics of Money and Banking is the required basic course for financial majors , such as Finance , Accounting , and Financial Management .

  3. 论《货币银行学》课程体系的改革

    On the Reform of the Course System of Money and Banking Economics

  4. 提高《货币银行学》教学质量探讨

    Exploration on Improving the Teaching Quality of Economics of Currency and Banking

  5. 一网双学教学模式在《货币银行学》课程教学中的应用

    Application to " one network and two learning " mode on International Finance course

  6. 论比较银行学的研究对象

    On the Study Object of the Comparative Banking

  7. 一位教授银行学的外籍教师向学生介绍外汇交易知识。

    A foreign teacher in China is telling a foreign trade student about foreign exchange dealing .

  8. 20世纪70年代以来,资本充足性监管一直是国际银行学界的热门话题。

    Since 70s in the 20th century , bank capital adequacy regulation was always a hot subject .

  9. 电子货币的发展对《货币银行学》教学的冲击

    The Challenge of the Development of Electronic Currency to the Teaching Contents of Economics of Money and Banking

  10. 本文主要运用社会学理论、金融结构理论和货币银行学理论对中国近代货币金融结构变迁过程加以说明。

    In doing so the current research makes a reference to the theories of sociology , financial structures and currency banking .

  11. 截至目前,我院的《证券投资学》、《货币银行学》一批课程被评为省级重点课程和省级精品课程。

    Up to now , such courses as securities investment and monetary banking were granted province-level key courses and top quality courses .

  12. 所有货币银行学的教科书都强调央行有三大政策工具:再贴现率、公开市场操作和存款准备金率。

    All textbooks on money and banking highlight the three principal policy options open to central banks : discount lending , open market operations , and reserve requirements .

  13. 我的专业课程有:货币银行学,保险学,财政学,金融工程,金融法,投资学,证券投资学,中央银行学,商业银行学等科目。

    I course : money and banking , insurance , public finance , finance engineering , finance law , investment , portfolio investment , central banks , commercial banks and other subjects .

  14. 中央银行学无法成为牙医术,不仅仅因为在一个既定框架内的判断存在不确定性经济走向何方?利率应如何变化?

    What has prevented central banking from becoming like dentistry is not just the uncertainty of judgment within an agreed paradigm about where the economy is heading and where interest rates ought to go .

  15. 在此基础上,结合电子商务理论和商业银行学,定性地分析研究了网络银行业发展中面临诸多问题。

    Base on this and combining with the theory of electronic commerce and management of commercial bank , the article analyses the main problems that network banks will face in the development of network banking .

  16. 本文以管制经济学、微观银行学理论为指导,采用历史分析、对比分析、制度分析等方法,系统研究了银行的资本充足率监管问题。

    The paper is based on the regulation economics and the microeconomics of banking . By ways of historical methodology , contrast methodology , and system methodology , the author studies the supervision of banking capital .

  17. 运用经济学、金融学、货币银行学、投资学等学科的相关原理,阐释货币市场和资本市场关系、货币市场与资本市场协调发展的意义。

    Using the relevant principle of economics , finances , money and banking , investments , etc , it explains the relation between money market and capital market , the meaning of development in harmony of two markets .

  18. 但是,提供会计学、银行学、金融贸易、保险和争端解决等金融服务领域的资格证书,目前也已成为一个日渐增长的出口市场,全球有无数人在为获得这些证书而学习。

    But the provision of qualifications in financial services such as accountancy , banking , financial trading , insurance and dispute resolution has also become a growing export market , with hundreds of thousands studying for them worldwide .

  19. 本文以货币银行学、金融学、制度经济学和现代西方经济学的相关理论为基础,运用规范研究和实证研究等方法对我国国有商业银行公司治理结构进行研究。

    The article is based on the theory of Banking , Finance , Institutional Economics and Modern Western Economics etc. , to have a research on the corporate governance of state-owned commercial banks by the method of studying criterions and actual examples .

  20. 在产业组织经济学和微观银行学的理论基础上,对全能银行金融产品的创新、替代与组合机制进行研究,从而揭示全能银行的比较优势和潜在风险。

    On the basis of the theories of industrial organizational economics and micro-banking , this paper conducts a research into the innovating , renovating and integrating mechanism of the financial products of universal banks , and then reveals their comparative advantages and potential risks .

  21. 本文提出网上教学设计的关键在于加强互动的观点,并结合电大开放教育试点货币银行学课程的具体实践,从一个中心、两个结合、三个原则等方面进行了具体阐述。

    This article argues that the key of teaching design on internet lies in interaction , then it discusses the teaching practice of " Economics of Money and Banking " with the guidance principles of " one center , two integrations , three principles " .

  22. 我国目前《货币银行学》课程体系的建设存在一些缺陷,难以适应国内金融与国际金融融合的需要,我们应适应两者联合的需要,搞好课程体系建设。

    There exist some shortcomings in the construction of the course system of " Money & Banking Economics ", which fails to meet the needs of the situation in which domestic finance is increasingly integrated with international finance . Therefore reforms should be carried out in the course construction .

  23. 这三个命题的提出及其论证有助于走出商业银行管理学研究的一些误区。

    It is believed that the presentation and demonstration of these opinions will be helpful to the research of commercial banks management .

  24. 笔者认为,商业银行管理学研究应考虑三个命题:商业银行具有特殊的经营管理规律;

    Three opinions on the commercial banks management are presented in this article : there are special laws on the operation and management of commercial banks ;

  25. 查尔斯古德哈特是伦敦政治经济学院(londonschoolofeconomics)银行与金融学荣誉教授,曾任英国央行(bankofengland)首席经济学家。

    Charles Goodhart is emeritus professor of banking and finance at the London School of economics and a former chief economist of the Bank of England .

  26. 马克·伍尔夫美国利桑那州立大学博士,金融服务研究中心主任、美国协和MBA课程副主任、银行与金融学副教授。

    Mark wolf director of center for reach in financial services , deputy director of executive MBA programme and Associate professor of banking & finance . Education : Arizona state university .

  27. 在2008至2009学年,我要辅导17名学生,向近200名本科及mba学生教授银行与金融学课程,此外,我还要努力跟上自己的研究兴趣金融服务业的企业治理。

    The academic year 2008-2009 has found me with 17 tutorial students andalmost 200 new undergraduate and MBA students in banking and finance courses , plus I am trying to keep up with my research interest corporate governance in financial services .

  28. 更糟糕的是,他还有一个上大学的儿子,是从银行贷款上的学。

    To make matters worse , he also had a son in college who had taken a bank loan to pay for his .

  29. 否则,现在也许该让想象实验成为未来所有银行业与投资学考试的标准特征了。

    Or failing that , it might be time to make a course on Gedanken experiments a standard feature of any future banking and investment exam .

  30. 本文首先对国内外互联网络、网络经济、商业银行零售业务营销的背景进行了概述和分析,并在商业银行学基础上根据金融中介理论的内涵对商业银行及其零售业务的概念进行了界定。

    Secondly , based on the Commercial bank theory , the article defines the concept of commercial banking and retail business in accordance with the connotation of the theory of financial intermediation .