
  • 网络garden culture
  1. 浅析中国人的美学意识的发展与园林文化

    Concise Analysis of the Development of Chinese Aesthetic Perception and Garden Culture

  2. 弘扬古典园林文化突出北京古都特色

    Promote classical garden culture , protrude Beijing 's features as an ancient capital

  3. 惠州的地名特色及其园林文化意义

    The characteristics of place name of Huizhou and its landscape cultural significance

  4. 传统公共园林文化传承的规划设计方法研究

    Planning and Design Methods of Promoting the Culture in Traditional Public Gardens

  5. 中国园林文化与旅游发展的辩证关系

    The Dialectic Relationship between China Landscape Culture and Tourism Development

  6. 关于中国传统园林文化认知与传承的几点思考

    Considerations on the Cognition and Inheritance of Chinese Traditional Culture in Gardening Art

  7. 虚拟的诗意栖居&搭建传统园林文化与虚拟现实技术间的方案桥梁

    Virtual Poetic Habitat & Build the Bridge between Traditional Landscape Civilization and Virtual Reality

  8. 中法园林文化论坛

    First Forum on Sino-France landscape architecture and culture

  9. 论中国园林文化的和合精神

    Discussing about Combination Spirit in Chinese Gardening Culture

  10. 澳门园林文化巡礼

    General Survey of Macao 's Garden Culture

  11. 中国古典园林文化内涵在旅游活动中的价值挖掘

    Exploration of the Value of the Cultural Meaning in Chinese Classical Gardens in the Tourism Development

  12. 在西方园林文化影响下,诞生了近代公园,但公园真正的意义未得体现。

    Modern parks became aroused with western landscape architecture but theirs real meaning was not embodied .

  13. 昆明园林文化二千年

    Two-thousand Years gardens culture in Kunming

  14. 中华文明的源远流长,孕育出丰富灿烂的中国园林文化。

    The long history of Chinese civilization cultivates a rich and splendid culture of Chinese Landscape Architecture .

  15. 理解园林文化

    Understanding the Landscape Culture

  16. 中国传统园林文化地理特征、模式与地理要素关系

    A Study of the Relationship between the Traits & Models of Chinese Traditional Garden Culture and Geographical Factors

  17. 欧洲深厚的园林文化传统和现代工业文明蕴育了现代景观规划设计的诞生,它的发展经历了各种风格形式和思想观念的演变。

    Modern European landscape architecture was born in the background of rich garden culture tradition and modern industrial civilization .

  18. 浅谈广州园林文化展览策划的差异定位&以广州文化公园为例生菜会:广州大众文化的传承与变迁

    General Discussion of the Necessity of Different Orientation of Guangzhou Landscape Culture Exhibition & Taking the Guangzhou Culture Park as An Example

  19. 中西园林文化的重建、发展,应是园林背后的文化意识、观念的重建。

    Chinese and Western cultural landscape reconstruction , development , and should be the garden behind the cultural awareness , the concept of reconstruction .

  20. 竹文化、花文化、茶文化、园林文化、森林美学是森林文化的主要内容和表现形式。

    Bamboo culture , tea culture , flower culture , garden culture , forest aesthetics are the important contents and forms of forest culture .

  21. 最后提出随着中国现代文化的创立,必然产生新的园林文化意蕴与形态。

    At last , it suggests that new landscape cultural implication and morphology will be formed along with the creation of China modern culture .

  22. 北京皇家园林文化创意产业公司表示,这些文物藏品只有一小部分是自身收集的,其中绝大部分是从民间拍得的。

    Beijing Royal Garden and Art Creative Industry said most of the pieces were from auctions , only a small number were from private collections .

  23. 莲池寄情山水、崇尚自然,龟藏了中国传统园林文化的体系。

    It has reposed the green mountain and beautiful water , enjoying and adoring the nature , had hidden system of traditional garden culture in China .

  24. 园林文化模式与地理要素有因果关系,地理要素复合体内涵的变化,导致地区之间或内部园林文化模式产生差异,且以此为支撑形成园林文化体系。

    The model of Chinese garden culture and its geographical elements have a causal relationship , whose inner changes can lead to the changes of cultural models .

  25. 历史回顾:通过对东西方山地观念、山地园林文化及设计方法进行比较,确立生态的山地观念,总结我国传统山水园林优秀的设计方法和设计理念;

    Retrospect : By comparing the opinion of mountainous areas , the culture of the landscape in mountainous areas and design method between oriental countries and western countries .

  26. 通过中外比较,在世界园林文化的背景下探讨中国传统园林种植设计艺术的民族特色和重要地位。

    Through comparison between China and foreign countries , the national features and position of traditional Chinese garden planting design are discussed under the background of world gardening culture .

  27. 植物景观文化是园林文化的重要组成部分,山地园林不仅包含了一般形态的植物景观文化,还包含了基于山地这一形态所形成的特殊文化,展现出别俱一格的山地园林植物景观特色。

    Mountainous garden not only contains a general form of plant landscape but also the special culture based on the mountain , displaying distinctive plant landscape feature of mountainous garden .

  28. 禅宗思想与园林文化的结合,让中国园林具备了生态美、简约美、含蓄美、空灵美、智慧美等审美特征,并形成了中国园林的特色文化内涵。

    Just because of the integration of Buddhism and gardening , the China gardening has the ecological beauty , beauty of simplicity , implicit beauty , ethereal beauty and beauty of wisdom .

  29. 他们从传统园林文化中吸取养料,从现代艺术形式中获得启发,在当代科学技术的引领下,将欧洲当代景观设计带入独树一帜的新境界。

    They absorb the spirit from garden culture tradition , gain inspiration from modern art and bring contemporary European landscape architecture into a higher level by new methods of science and technology .

  30. 通过建设和分析粤华苑,使岭南园林文化传播世界,使世界人民更了解中园,更了解岭南园林的传统庭园文化。

    Through construct and analyze Yue hua garden , make the South China gardens culture spread to the world , make traditional south Chinese garden culture well known by people in other countries .