
qīng kǒu
  • Clear mouth;ingate;tasty and refreshing
清口 [qīng kǒu]
  • [tasty and refreshing] 清爽可口;爽口

清口[qīng kǒu]
  1. 分别用清口液、生理盐水和呋喃西林溶液进行口腔护理,并观察比较三组口腔护理前后的pH值变化、细菌培养及临床疗效。

    The changes of pH , bacterial culture and clinical effectiveness before and after oral nursing care was compared among the three groups .

  2. 双黄清口胶囊对口腔溃疡的疗效观察

    Therapeutic Effects of Shuang-Huang-Qing-Kou Capsule for Mouth Ulcer

  3. 目的探讨中药组方清口液用于口腔护理的临床效果。

    Objective To investigate the clinical effectiveness of herbs Qingkou solution in the nursing care of oral cavity .

  4. 搭配口味淡雅的意大利面,清口的夏日色拉或者贝壳类的海鲜都很合适。

    Ideal to accompany pasta dishes with freshly chopped herbs , crisp summer salads , and seafood especially shellfish .

  5. 通常凉菜汤选用新鲜西红柿、黄瓜、小辣椒和大蒜制成,十分清口健康。

    Usually made with fresh tomatoes , cucumber , bell peppers and garlic , it 's as refreshing as it is healthy .

  6. 他已经将自己的风格命名为“海派清口”,而这一风格在中国观众中吸引了大量的粉丝。

    He has named his style " Shanghai Style Small Talk , " which attracted a considerable fan base among Chinese audience .

  7. 因其标志性表演形式“海派清口”而出名的我国脱口秀喜剧演员周立波将于7月登上纽约卡内基音乐厅的舞台。

    Zhou Libo , a Chinese stand-up comedian who is famous for his iconic " Shanghai Style Small Talk , " will perform at New York 's Carnegie Hall in July .

  8. 口服腐蚀性化学药物造成的化学性胃炎需清空胃部和洗胃。川味泡菜,清口开胃,令您回味无穷。

    " Chemical gastritis , from ingestion of corrosive chemicals , requires emptying and washing out the stomach . " Pickled vegetaBle of Sichuan flavour is a good appetizer and affords a lingering after-taste .

  9. 清一口通商时期中暹贸易中的潮州籍华侨

    Chaozhou Overseas Chinese in Sino-Siam Trade during the One-Port-Foreign-Trade Period of the Qing Dynasty

  10. 目的研究清喉口含片的体内、外抑菌作用。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the antibacterial actions of Qinghou buccal tablets in vivo and in vitro .

  11. 清政府实行一口通商的原因,主要是为了严格管理外贸,以维护国家安全和社会稳定。

    The reason of trade in an entrance is to manage foreign trade strictly in order to defend national security and social stability mainly .