
  • Jingyi Garden;Garden of Tranquility and Pleasure
  1. 而作为香山公园前身的静宜园,乃是它们中唯一的一座以自然山林风景取胜的大型御苑。

    As the predecessor of Xiangshan Park , Jingyi Park is the only large imperial park known for its natural hills and forests landscape .

  2. 香山静宜园占有清代三山五园中的一山一园,位于北京西北郊西山东麓,是一座大型山地园。

    The Jingyi Garden in Fragrant Hills , whose one mountain and one garden are included in the famous " Three Mountains and Five Royal Gardens ", is a large Garden located at the east foothill of West Mountain in northern suburbs of Beijing .