
  • 网络Qinghe county
  1. 清河县盛兴绒毛厂是集生产、加工.销售为一体的一家综合性企业。

    Shengxing Cashmere Factory of Qinghe County is an integrated enterprise with the ability to produce , process and sell .

  2. 立足于地理文化,分析了《金瓶梅》将《水浒传》杀嫂情节的地点“由阳谷县改为清河县”的原因,进而分析了罗贯中的籍贯非东原的问题。

    Based on the geography culture , this article analyzed the reason of Jin Ping Mei changing the place where Takematsu killed his sister-in-law from Yanggu to Qinghe .