
  • 网络landscape architecture;gardens;landscape gardening
  1. 风景园林学的社会认知与传播途径研究

    The Studies on Social Cognizance and Transmitting Approaches of Landscape Architecture

  2. 建立园林学的理论;

    The theory on the establishment of Chinese landscape architecture ;

  3. 2020年中国风景园林学发展研究

    Study on the Development of Chinese Landscape Architecture in the Year 2020

  4. 现代风景园林学的内容及其形成过程

    The Content of Modern Landscape Architecture and Its Formation Process

  5. 风景园林学名称不可改为景观学

    Landscape Architecture Should Not be Changed Into Landscape Studies

  6. 中国园林学的基础和领域

    The Basis and Domain of Chinese Landscape Architecture

  7. 它是建筑学与园林学相结合的一门新兴边缘科学。

    It is one Xin Xing boundary science that architecture and gardens mimic combining each other .

  8. 这种发展态势值得国内风景园林学的研究人员关注。

    The developments of such trend deserve close attention from Chinese scholars and researchers in the field of landscape architecture .

  9. 其设计将建筑学、园林学和美学的一些理论、原则和观点用到洞门设计之中,收到了美的效应,给人以美的享受。

    It blends some theories , principles and views of architecture , horticulture and aesthetic into portal design with the achievement of aesthetic effects .

  10. 我认为这是学生们还不适应的思维,因为他们认为风景园林学是专注于设计和形式的创造。

    I think this is something that students are not used to because they think landscape architecture is focused on design and form creation .

  11. 园林学是研究如何合理运用自然因素、社会因素来创建优美的、生态平衡的生活境域的学科。

    How is the botanical garden study studies utilizes the natural factor , the social factor reasonably founds exquisitely , the ecological equilibrium life boundary territory discipline .

  12. 论文第二部分主要对鸟类学、生态学、风景园林学中的相关理论进行了搜集与整理,形成城市鹭鸟及其栖息环境研究的基础理论。

    Part two mainly about collecting and collating theory related to ornithology , ecology and Landscape Architecture , formed the basic theory for the study about heron habitat .

  13. 但是风景园林学不仅仅是设计,它专注于所有这些相互关联的系统和因素,和他们是如何影响一个设计师的决定。

    But landscape architecture is not just design ; it focuses on all these interrelated systems and forces , and how they influence the decisions you make as a designer .

  14. 中国园林学有自己独特而深厚的基础,应该在这个基础上兼收并蓄,建立起自我发展创新的理论和学术体系。

    Chinese Landscape Architecture has its particular and profound basis , on which the excellent elements should be accepted , and a new theory and academic system should be built .

  15. 本论文以风景园林学相关理论为指导,对国内外矿山废弃地生态修复与景观再造的实例进行了分析;对矿山废弃地生态修复与景观再造的模式及选址进行了分析。

    In this paper , on the basis of Landscape Architecture relevant theory , some domestic and overseas living examples of landscape reclamation and rehabilitation of mines wasteland were analyzed .

  16. 强化建筑园林学相关理论在该研究领域的作用,提出适合我国现阶段温泉建筑设计建设的新的理论创新方向。

    Strengthen the study landscape architecture theory in the field of research the role , the fit at this stage of our building design building hot new direction of theoretical innovation .

  17. 偶有论及,也多作为建筑园林学之佐证,或混迹于山水诗、田园诗的论述研究之中,未被单独论述。

    Sometimes discussed , but also more as a school of landscape architecture support , or occupy a place in the landscape of poetry and discussion of pastoral poetry study , has not been discussed separately .

  18. 学术论文方面,园林学的论文以园林史、园艺栽培、养殖等见长;建筑学的论文以营建技术和建筑艺术审美方面为重;而艺术设计学关于庭园环境艺术设计理论方面的论文数量甚少。

    As for academic papers , the papers basing on landscape architecture pay attention on the history , planting technique , while the papers basing on architectures are client to building technique and architecture art . The paper that is basing on garden environmental designing is expected .

  19. 基于信息技术构建园林树木学精品课程的CAI设计与实践

    The CAI Design and Practice ot the IT-based Trees and Shrubs on Landscape Architecture Excellent Course

  20. 咏花诗在园林树木学教学中的运用

    Application of Odes to Flowers in the Teaching of Landscape Dendrology

  21. 计算机多媒体技术在园林花卉学课程教学中的运用

    Application of CAI in Classroom Instruction of Flower and Plant Course

  22. 园林树木学课程教学中职业核心能力的培养

    Discussion on Cultivating Vocational Core Ability through Landscape Dendrology Learning

  23. 《园林树木学》教学方法改革的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on Teaching Method Reform of Landscape Dendrology

  24. 园林树木学的教学与提高学生自我效能感

    The Subject of Landscape Architecture LANDSCAPE NEWSFLASH Teaching Landscape Dendrology and Strengthening Self-efficacy of the Students

  25. 加强实践教学提高学生综合素质园林树木学教学实习改革与成效

    Improving the Practical Teaching and Students ' Comprehensive Quality The Innovation and Achievement of Trees and Shrubs on Landscape Architecture Teaching

  26. 园林树木学是园林专业的一门重要专业基础课,引用咏花诗可以作为该课程的辅助教学手段之一。

    Landscape dendrology is one important basic course in landscape architecture specialty , and citing odes to flowers is one of the teaching aids for the course .

  27. 在景观生态学、园林树木学、可持续发展理论、边缘效应理论和都市农业等理论指导下,探索观光苗圃规划设计的原则、思路、规划程序和方法。

    With landscape ecology , landscape trees , sustainable development theory , the theory of edge effects and urban agriculture , we explore design principles , ideas , planning procedures and methods about sightseeing nursery .

  28. 本文以岩土工程、园林植被学、土壤学、土壤磁学、环境工程基础理论为指导,以边坡生态护坡理论为基础,研究了适宜岩质陡边坡生态恢复的生态基材护坡方法。

    With the guidance of foundation theory such as geotechnical engineering , garden vegetation , pedology , soil magnetism and environment engineering and the base of slope ecological protection , this paper studies ecological material protection techniques which is suitable for abrupt rock slope .

  29. 本文首先概述了中国文化语言学的主要理论,然后以园林符号学方法体系,对中国古典园林视觉符号系统进行比较解读:词法解读,研究园林环境景观视觉元素的形态特点;

    This paper surveyed the main theory of Chinese cultural linguistics at first , and explained the visual symbol system of Chinese classical gardening by means of gardening semiotics method : Morphology is used in the research of the morphological characters of the visual factors of gardening ;

  30. 介绍了《园林树木学》课程的特点,探讨了如何解决《园林树木学》理论和实践教学中存在的问题,提出了提高《园林树木学》教学质量的方法。

    This paper introduces the features of the < Landscape Dendrology > , probes into how to solve the problems existing in the theory of the < Landscape Dendrology > and the practical teaching , and advances some measures for improving the teaching quality of the < Landscape Dendrology > .