
yuán lín yì shù
  • landscape art;land-scalping
  1. 论文学、绘画对中国园林艺术发展的影响

    Effects of literature and painting of the development of Chinese landscape art

  2. 从园林艺术谈中国传统建筑的美学观

    From landscape art talk aesthetic viewpoint of Chinese traditional architecture

  3. 塑造宽敞空间的意象是园林艺术的基本精髓。

    The creation of spaciousness is the essence of garden art .

  4. 苏州园林艺术漏窗的特色

    The Artistic Feature of Windows Without Glass Panes in Suzhou Garden

  5. 马克思艺术生产理论与园林艺术生产

    The Artistic Production Theory of Marxism and the Garden Artistic Production

  6. 江南古典园林艺术中的图底关系浅析

    The Map - Base Relationship of the Traditional Gardens in Jiangnan

  7. 中国古典园林艺术中的禅境

    The Deep Zen in the Art of China 's Classical Garden

  8. 中国古典园林艺术的内在超越精神之审美赏析

    Aesthetic Appreciation on the Self-transcendence Spirit of Chinese Classical Garden Arts

  9. 其中,听觉美乃是中国古典园林艺术所追求的高妙境界之一。

    Acoustic beauty is the highlight of the Chinese classical garden .

  10. 论园林艺术创作风格与创作个性

    Studies on creative style and creative characters of garden art

  11. 园林艺术的现代延伸&园林城市管窥

    The Modern Extension of Gardening Art & A View upon Urban Gardening

  12. 浅析颐和园的园林艺术特色

    Discussion about the Garden Art Feature of the Summer Palace & YIHEYUAN

  13. 传统园林艺术中文人园的隐逸精神

    Spirit of Seclusion in the Art of the Chinese Classical Landscape Architecture

  14. 中国古典园林艺术对欧洲的影响

    Influence upon Europe from the Art of Chinese Classical Gardens

  15. 浅述避暑山庄的园林艺术

    On the Botanical Garden Art of Chengde Mountain Resort

  16. 苏州古典园林艺术古为今用的探讨

    A Preliminary Study of Suzhou Traditional Garden Art in Adaptation to Modern Design

  17. 中国园林艺术探源

    The Source of the Art of Chinese Landscape Architecture

  18. 水景是园林艺术中不可缺少的、极富魅力的要素之一。

    Waterscape is one of indispensable , very attractive element in Garden Art .

  19. 浅谈中国古典园林艺术的虚实论

    Preliminary Discussion on the Theory of Abstraction and Object in Chinese Classical Garden

  20. 试析中国古典园林艺术中的哲学源流

    On Analysis of the Philosophical Origin of the Art In Chinese Classical Gardens

  21. 中国传统园林艺术对西方园林的影响

    The Influence of Chinese Traditional Garden in Western Garden

  22. 论中国古典园林艺术中的《周易》美学思想

    On the Aesthetical Thoughts of the Book of Changes Embodied in Chinese Classical Gardens

  23. 浅析福州古典园林艺术风格

    Preliminary study on classical Fuzhou garden art styles

  24. 中西园林艺术比较研究

    Comparative study on Chinese and Western gardening arts

  25. 徽州古典园林艺术初探

    A Preliminary Study of Huizhou Ancient Garden Arts

  26. 中国古典园林艺术风格的形成

    The Stylistic Formation of the Classical Chinese Gardens

  27. 安德森是当代丹麦风景园林艺术的代表人物之一。

    Andersen is one of the features in Danish contemporary art of landscape architecture .

  28. 明清小说与园林艺术研究

    A Research on Novels in the Ming and the Qing Dynasties and Garden Art

  29. 现代设计对传统园林艺术的继承

    Modern Design 's Continuation of Traditional Garden Art

  30. 园桥是中国传统园林艺术中一种独特的建筑形式。

    The garden-bridge is a very individual architecture style in Chinese traditional garden arts .