
  • 【航天】orbital rendezvous and docking
  1. 嫦娥五号的下一个挑战是在绕月轨道上执行交会对接任务。

    The next challenge for the Chang'e-5 is to a rendezvous and docking mission in an orbit around the moon .

  2. 在登月过程中,奔月轨道级之间的交会对接是必不可少的,而对接过程的动力学仿真在载人登月工程中也显得尤为重要。

    China is also at the manned lunar landing project pre-feasibility study stage . In the course of the lunar landing , the rendezvous and docking is essential between lunar landing compartments , and the docking dynamic simulation in the manned moon landing project is also extremely important .

  3. “嫦娥五号”探测器起飞重量8.2吨,包括轨道器、返回器、着陆器、上升器四个部分,将在月球轨道实施无人交会对接。

    Chang'e-5 , comprising an orbiter , a returner , a lander , and an ascender , with a total takeoff mass of 8.2 tonnes , is expected to accomplish unmanned rendezvous and docking in lunar orbit .