
  • 网络orbital transfer vehicle;OTV
  1. 本文研究了在共面圆轨道HEO-LEO的过程中,气动辅助轨道转移飞行器(AOTV)在大气内飞行的极小时间控制问题。

    This paper considers the minimum-time control of aeroassisted orbital transfer vehicle ( AOTV ) which arises in the study of coplanar HEO-LEO orbital transfer .

  2. 随着空间在轨服务任务要求的提高,轨道转移飞行器作为一种节省燃料、使用方便灵活的运载方式受到人们越来越多的关注。

    As the requirement of space on-orbit servicing mission has improved , orbit transfer vehicle has been concerned by more and more people as one kind of realization which can save fuels and easy to use .