
  • 网络hidden curriculum;latent curriculum
  1. 试论法学教育的潜在课程及其育人功能

    On Hidden Curriculum in Law Education and Its Function in Educating People

  2. 论影响学校德育教育的潜在课程

    The Theory of Hidden Curriculum Influencing the School Moral Education

  3. 重视潜在课程;加强个别化课程。

    Stressing on latent curriculum and strengthening the individualized curriculum .

  4. 挖掘显性课程中潜在课程的作用;

    To excavate effect of the hidden course in the dominant course ;

  5. 高校开展六个为什么学习的潜在课程价值初探

    The Potential Curriculum Value of Learning Six " Whys " in Universities

  6. 论大学潜在课程教育的作用与影响

    On the function and influence of potential courses in universities

  7. 浅谈旅游高等职业教育中的潜在课程

    An Initial Study on Hidden Curriculum in High Occupational Education of Tourism

  8. 提高教师专业素养:构建高校德育潜在课程的中心环节

    The Central Link of Constructing Potential Curriculum of Universities ' Moral Education

  9. 建设和谐校园与开发潜在课程相关性分析

    Interrelationship between Building Harmonious Campus and Developing Potential Courses

  10. 潜在课程是学生潜移默化、无声无息获得的主要是非学术性经验。

    Hidden curriculum is the non-academic experience that students obtain silently and imperceptibly .

  11. 断裂与重构:少数民族地区学校教育中的潜在课程研究

    Discontinuity and Reconstruction : Hidden Curriculum in School Education in Ethnic Minority Regions

  12. 潜在课程的文化品格及经营策略

    Culture Cultural Characters and Running Strategies of Hidden Curriculum

  13. 潜在课程·精神文化·学校竞争力&以大学为例

    The Hidden Curriculum , Spiritual Culture and School Competition

  14. 开发德育潜在课程的策略

    The policy on developing hidden courses of moral education

  15. 高校学生社团组织的潜在课程功能研究

    Study on Functions of Hidden Curriculum of Student League in Colleges and Universities

  16. 隐性课程,又称潜在课程、隐蔽课程、无形课程等等。

    Recessive course , equal to hidden curriculum , hidden curriculum intangible course .

  17. 潜在课程的研究逐渐受到人们的关注。

    More and more people are concerned about the research of hidden curriculum .

  18. 对体育学院校园潜在课程建设的思考

    Think on the Construction of Hidden Curriculum in Institute

  19. 论潜在课程的开发和利用

    On the Exploitation and Utilization of Potential Curriculum

  20. 在远程教育中建设潜在课程

    Construct the Latent Curriculum in the Distance Education

  21. 潜在课程对英语教学的作用

    The Function of Latent Curriculum in English Teaching

  22. 英语戏剧潜在课程功能研究

    On the Potential Curriculum Function of English Drama

  23. 地理教学中潜在课程资源开发初探

    A Primary Exploration on the Exploitation of the Potential Curriculum Resources in Geography Teaching

  24. 中学化学潜在课程审美化研究

    Research on Hidden Curriculum Aesthetic of Senior Chemistry

  25. 论潜在课程的素质教育意义

    The Significance of Quality Education in Potential Courses

  26. 挖掘农村中小学潜在课程德育功能的途径与意义

    Path and Meaning of a Potential Curriculum of Virtue in Rural middle and Primary Schools

  27. 师专数学潜在课程理论探讨

    On the Mathematical Latent Courses in Teachers'College

  28. 潜在课程是当今教学研究的一个新课题和热点。

    The potential curricula is a new task and hotspot of the current teaching research ?

  29. 潜在课程与显性课程并非主从关系,显性课程的运作过程总是伴随潜在课程;

    The relationship between hidden and dominant courses isn 't that between the principle and subordinate .

  30. 论潜在课程的设计

    On the Design of Extracurricular Course