
  • 网络Qianzhou shoal;submerged shoal
  1. 分汊型河道潜洲阻力特性的试验研究

    Test and Study on Characteristic of Resistance of Submerged Sandbars of a Braided Channel

  2. 经过试点科室反应出的情况,向院领导提交可行性报告,在全院实施改革方案。潜洲:南京市一块尚未开垦的处女地&南京长江潜洲开发设想

    After investigating some departments stochastically , we handed in the feasibility report to the leader of our hospital and then used the new reformation methods in the whole hospital . Qian Zhou Shoal ── an Unreclaimed Land in Nanjing : The Feasibility Report or its Development Project

  3. 潜三角洲,水下三角洲废黄河三角洲区域可持续发展的战略选择

    A strategic choice of regional sustainable development in the abandoned the Yellow River delta

  4. 珠江三角洲咸潮活动的空间差异性分析潜三角洲,水下三角洲

    Spatial Difference about Activity of Saline Water Intrusion in the Pearl ( Zhujiang ) River Delta

  5. 潜三角洲,水下三角洲长江三角洲东缘地区全新世孢粉与古环境研究

    Studies on sporo - pollen and paleoenvironment of Holocene in the East edge of Changjiang River Delta

  6. 潜三角洲,水下三角洲本公司地处经济发达、港口众多、船舶资源丰富的长江三角洲。

    Our company is in the Yangtse River delta where have developed economy 、 numerous port and abundant shiping resources .