
  • 网络What
  1. 为什么你不能指你不能指耳机耳塞Ipod什么什么真不公平Christina天后天后

    Why , you can 't point.You can 't point . Earphones , earbuds , Ipod . What ? what ? That was unfair . Christiana , Diva , diva .

  2. 什么什么?你耳聋喔?

    " What ? What ?" what are you , deaf ?

  3. 这就是那个叫什么什么的女人给我的东西。

    That 's the thing that whatshername gave me .

  4. 我得说,我的意思是,没有了政治后,那一切听上去又像,嗯,那个什么什么了。

    I must say , I mean , it sounded like er thingummyjig all over again without the politics .

  5. 呃,我不记得了……我记得好像叫Reese什么什么吧

    DAD : Uh , I can 't remember ... I think her name was Reese something ?

  6. 我们有电子邮件、电子购物、电子教学、电子商务或者电子什么什么你能想的出来的东东。

    We have email , e-shopping , e-school , e-commerce ore-whatever-you-can-think-of .

  7. 总有些人自以为浪漫的说什么什么是自己的灵魂,不能失去。

    I suppose that it will be harmful when my soul is away from my body .

  8. 那边语音信息说这里是深圳什么什么公司,恭喜你中了二等奖。

    There the speech information says that the here is Shenzhen what what company , congratulate you won the accessit .

  9. 这婴儿吃什么吐什么。

    The baby can 't keep any food down .

  10. 他羡慕她——她似乎要什么有什么。

    He envied her ─ she seemed to have everything she could possibly want .

  11. 这房子你要什么有什么。

    The house had everything you could desire .

  12. 她对孩子们很有两下子,说什么是什么。

    She has a magic touch with the children and they do everything she asks .

  13. 人们成群地涌向商店,见什么买什么。

    People swarmed to the shops , buying up everything in sight .

  14. 他有一副能把所有人都吓得那个什么滚什么流的火爆脾气。

    He 's got that fiery temper which scares the whatsit out of everybody .

  15. 棕熊是杂食性动物,抓到什么吃什么。

    Brown bears are omnivorous , eating anything that they can get their paws on .

  16. 他有什么说什么,肚子里存不住话。

    He always says what he thinks ; he can 't hold anything back .

  17. 这实际上是关于他们的同龄人对他们的看法,他们的社会规范是什么,什么在社会上被认为是可取的。

    It is actually about what their peers think of them , what their social norms are , what is seen as desirable in society .

  18. 看到什么偷什么。

    He stole whatever he saw .

  19. 我以前整天都很懒,做事拖拉,开着空调睡觉,看电影,有什么吃什么。

    I used to be so lazy all the day , procrastinating things , sleeping under AC , watching movies and eating all the food available .

  20. “看看你今天适合穿什么,什么能使你处于良好状态,”Gayla道。

    " Keep what fits you today , what 's in good condition ," said Gayla .

  21. 她想到了什么说什么。

    She said the first thing that came into her head .

  22. 美是什么与什么是美的

    " Beauty Is What " and " What Is Beautiful "

  23. 我有什么说什么,绝对没有保留。

    I 'll just say what 's on my mind , withholding nothing .

  24. 你的皮夹在什么时候什么地方被偷的?

    When and where was your wallet stolen ?

  25. 如果有人问起我说过什么,什么也不要说。

    If anyone asks you what I said , don 't say a thing .

  26. 教育团队成员需要做什么以及什么时候去做

    Educating team members on what needs to be done and when it needs to be done

  27. 对你们来说,摄影最大的吸引力是什么?什么促使你们选择了摄影?

    Shall Zou : For you , what 's the greatest attraction of photography ? what made you choose photography ?

  28. 生产力:是什么与什么是&从系统论看马克思的生产力理论

    Productivity is What and What is Productivity : Analysis on Marx 's Theory of Productivity from the Perspective of Systems Theory

  29. 借用水门事件听证会上的杀手锏问题:媒体都知道些什么?什么时候知道的?

    To paraphrase the killer question from the Watergate hearings : what did the press know and when did it know it ?

  30. 村里几个人看到后都说:“这孩子真聪明,学什么像什么。”

    Village , after seeing a few people say : " This child really smart , what is it like learning anything . "