
  1. 我们一起度过的时光现已成为久远的记忆,然而哪怕走遍天涯海角我也要与你再见一面。

    The time we spent together is now a distant memory , and I 'd go to the ends of the earth to see you again .

  2. 这是我第一次见到KellyFamily,而且也很可能是最后一次,我不太了解他们,但是看起来他们不错,能再见一面当然很好。

    This was the first time I met the Kelly Family and could very easily be the last so I don 't know them very well but they seemed very nice and it would be good to meet them again .

  3. 我想到过去跟爷爷再见一面。

    I want to return to the past and see my grandpa .

  4. 那母亲和她的孩子连再见一面也不可能!那孩子连母亲也几乎还不认识!

    And without the mother even having seen her child once more , almost without the child 's having known her mother ;

  5. 所以,不如你和你的小组成员举行一个会议讨论一下,然后我们再见一面捋一捋你们的想法。

    So how about you set up a meeting with your group members and discuss this , then we can meet again and go over your ideas .

  6. 然而,梦依旧只是梦,现实与梦幻之间,总隔着厚厚的一层无法穿越的障碍,使您我无缘再见一面。

    However , the dream is still only a dream , between reality and fantasy , with a total across the thick layer of barriers can not be crossed , so that side of you I am not good-bye .

  7. 她怀疑他想再见她一面是别有用心。

    She distrusted his motives for wanting to see her again .

  8. 只要能再见他一面我愿付出任何代价。

    I 'd give anything to see him again .

  9. 他正拼命想办法再见她一面。

    He was desperately seeking a way to see her again .

  10. 你的下一步就是找个理由,让VC再见你一面。

    But your next step is to find a reason that the VC needs to see you again .

  11. 何况,他们也确实希望能和我们再见上一面。

    Besides , they really do want to see us again .

  12. 我想再见她一面。

    I 'd like to maybe see her one more time .

  13. 一想到要再见他一面,她就很紧张。

    She was nervous at the idea of meeting him again .

  14. 我本来决定不再见他一面。

    I didn 't intend to ever see him again .

  15. 我希望在你离开前再见你一面。

    I 'd love to see you before you go .

  16. 我不知道什么时候能在车上再见Tangee一面

    I never knew when I 'd see Tangee on the bus ,

  17. 我只想最后再见他一面。

    I just wanted to see him one last time .

  18. 我得在你走之前再见你一面

    I had to see you before you took off .

  19. 我一路赶来,就是希望能再见你一面。

    I 've rushed all the way here hoping to see you again .

  20. 我觉得我很想至少再见他一面。

    I felt that I wanted to see him at least once more .

  21. 以热切的渴望为特点。他热切盼望再见她一面。

    He had a yen to see her again .

  22. 给我再见他一面可不可以?

    Let me see him one more time !

  23. 唉!但愿再见你一面!

    O that I might see you again !

  24. 他们盼着再见女儿一面。

    They yearn to see their daughter again .

  25. 我就是,我得在你走前再见你一面。

    I just , I had to see you one more time before you took-off .

  26. 我答应和她断绝来往,只要再见她一面。

    Eg. I promised to break off with her , as long as seeing her again .

  27. 美丽的梦何时才能出现,亲爱的你好想再见你一面。

    When could the beautiful dream appear , you dear I really want to see you .

  28. 一整天下来,皮诺奇都很担心仙女,他想要再见她一面。

    All day , Pinocchio was worried about the fairy . He wanted to see her again .

  29. 把肉切成方块再炸.他热切盼望再见她一面。

    Chop the meat into cubes before frying it . He had a yen to see her again .

  30. 如果我能在死前再见您一面,那么天主该有多好啊!照目前情况看,我们一定是永别了。

    How good God would be if He granted that I should see you again before I die !