
  1. 喀斯特地区撒尼密枝林原生态文化的生态价值研究

    Study on the Eco-value of Sani Original Eco-culture - Deity Forests in Karst Area

  2. 云南撒尼族新生儿、孕母及非孕妇女血清游离与总甲状腺激素水平的研究

    A Study of the Levels of Serum Total and Free Thyroid Hormones in Newborns and Their Mothers

  3. 阿诗玛是彝族的一枝撒尼人的经典性传说。

    Ahshima is a legend of the Sani people , a branch of the Yi national minority .

  4. 论当代撒尼人的族群认同变迁&对云南省石林县一个彝汉杂居村落的个案分析

    Changes of Contemporary Sani People 's Ethnic Group Identity : A Case study in A Mixed-ethnic Village in Yunnan

  5. 改革开放后,出于发展旅游业的需要,撒尼人再次对《阿诗玛》进行了重构。

    After the reform and opening , for the need of the development of tourism , Sani people has reconstructed Ashima again .

  6. 而且我一晚上都得把波波和撒尼赶到一边,免得它们把留给圣诞老人的饼干吃掉了。

    That 's even true when I spend all night chasing Bo and Sunny away from the cookies we leave for Santa .

  7. 总统:因此,我们谨代表玛莉亚、萨莎、波波、撒尼以及在白宫过节的所有人,祝大家圣诞节快乐!

    THE PRESIDENT : So on behalf of Malia , Sasha , Bo , Sunny , and everyone here at the White House-Merry Christmas .

  8. 撒尼彝区的土地制度虽历经变迁,但万变不离其宗的是土地属于人民,属于社区集体所有的观念。

    The land system has been changing a lot in the past time ; however , the unchanged point is the idea of group-landholding among Yi people .

  9. 德尔本特城堡、古城及要塞是一度称霸里海东西两岸的撒撒尼波斯帝国的北方国界。

    The citadel , ancient city and Fortress Buildings of Derbent were part of the northern lines of the Sasanian Persian empire , which extended East and west of the Caspian sea .

  10. 石林地区不仅自然风貌独特,当地撒尼民族建筑也别具韵味,具有强烈的地域特征和民族风格。

    Stone Forest not only the nature appearance is special , but also the ground Sani national building has the specialty , and has the strong regional characteristic with the race style .

  11. 阿诗玛是彝族的一枝撒尼人的经典性传说。由于彝族人口的不断发展,家支也在不断分化。

    " ahshima " is a legend of the Sani people , a branch of the Yi national minority . Because of the continual growth of Yi population , the clan of Yi nationality also become divided continually .

  12. 在石林地区,聚落中传统民族文化模式、宗教信仰产生了独特的民族意识和民族价值观,加上聚落所处的地域、地形、材料、水源等因素共同作用形成了撒尼族民居独特的气质。

    In the area of Stone Forest , the special ethnic consciousness and nationality values producing from the traditional ethnic culture patterns and religious beliefs together with the region , topography , materials and water factors formed the special temperature of Sani .

  13. 站在这些像面前的有以色列家的七十个长老,沙番的儿子雅撒尼亚也站在他们中间;各人手里拿着自己的香炉,香的烟往上升。

    And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of israel , and in the midst of them stood Jaazaniah the son of shaphan , with every man his censer in his hand ; and a thick cloud of incense went up .