
duàn jué wài jiāo ɡuān xì
  • rupture of diplomatic relations;severance of diplomatic relations
  • break off diplomatic relations;sever diplomatic relations
  1. 英国曾打算与利比亚断绝外交关系。

    Britain was about to break off diplomatic relations with Libya .

  2. 与某国断绝外交关系

    Break off diplomatic relations with a country

  3. 委内瑞拉和厄瓜多尔分别同哥伦比亚断绝外交关系,并向边境派谴军队。

    Venezuela and Ecuador broke diplomatic relations and sent troops to their borders with Colombia ;

  4. 英国威胁要断绝外交关系。

    Britain threatened to break offdiplomatic relations .

  5. 一九六二年联大大会对南非没有遵守大会和安理会多次提出的呼吁和要求表示遗憾,并且要求各会员国与南非断绝外交关系,抵制南非货物。

    In1962 , the General Assembly deplored the failure of South Africa to comply with the repeated requests and demands of the assembly and the security council , and asked Member States to break off diplomatic relations with South africa , boycott South Africa goods .

  6. 我们与那个国家断绝了外交关系

    We have severed diplomatic relations with that country .

  7. 几个南美洲国家和纳粹德国断绝了外交关系。

    Several South American states broke off diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany .

  8. 埃及和希腊塞浦路斯政府断绝了外交关系。

    Egypt broke diplomatic relations with the Greek Cypriot government .

  9. 美国在1961年和占巴断绝了外交关系。

    The US severed diplomatic relations with Cuba in1961 .

  10. 马尔维纳斯群岛事件后,英国和阿根廷断绝了外交关系。

    Britain and Argentina severed their diplomatic links after the Islas Malvinas event .

  11. 建立(恢复、断绝)外交关系

    Establish ( resume , sever ) diplomatic relations

  12. 直到一九六一年一月三日,华盛顿才最后同古巴断绝了外交关系。

    Washington did not finally break off diplomatic relations with Cuba until January 3,1961 .

  13. 战争爆发后,两国间断绝了外交关系。

    When the war break out , the two countries break off their diplomatic relation .

  14. 1979年,伊朗发生了伊斯兰革命,激进的伊朗青年学生占据了美国驻德黑兰的使馆,并将美国外交官员和其他人质关押了一年多之久。美国与伊朗断绝了外交关系。

    Formal diplomatic relations between the two countries were severed after Iran 's 1979 Islamic revolution , when student militants took over the U.S. embassy in Tehran and held American diplomats and others hostage for more than a year .

  15. 两国断绝了一切外交关系。

    The two countries have severed all diplomatic links .

  16. 他还警告称,如果萨塔赢得大选,中国可能断绝与赞比亚的外交关系。

    He also warned that China might sever relations with Zambia if Mr SATA won .