
wěi huánɡ
  • Chlorosis;skin jaundice
萎黄 [wěi huáng]
  • (1) [withered and yellow;chlorosis]∶蔫枯变黄

  • 树叶萎黄

  • (2) [wan and sallow;chlorosis]∶瘦弱、疲惫、脸色发黄

  • 面色萎黄

  1. 治疗组对胀满、疼痛、纳呆、嗳气、大便稀溏、面色萎黄、消瘦等主要症状改善效果比西药对照组为优(P<0.01)。

    The treatment group is superior to the contrast group in the effects of improve symptoms including distending , stomachache , anorexia , belching , loose stool , pale complexion , lean , etc.

  2. 满枝萎黄的树叶说明深秋已经来临了。

    The yellow leaves on the trees show that late autumn approaches .

  3. 缺绿病:由于缺乏叶绿素而导致植物叶片萎黄的现象。

    Chlorosis The loss of chlorophyll from plants resulting in yellow ( chlorotic ) leaves .

  4. 脾:肌肉萎缩、乏力、面色萎黄、腹胀、脉缓。

    Spleen : Muscle atrophy , weakness , pale complexion , abdominal distension , moderate pulse .

  5. 血虚:面色萎黄、头晕、肢体麻木、舌淡白、脉细。

    Blood Deficiency : The pale complexion , dizziness , limb numbness , pale tongue , thready pulse .

  6. 那孩子就这样生活在缺乏爱的状态中,有如地窖中萎黄的草。

    This child lived , in this absence of affection , like the pale plants which spring up in cellars .

  7. 正在狂烈的东风里挣扎,萎黄的树林已日渐凋零,宽阔的河在两岸间呻吟,

    In the stormy east-wind straining , The pale yellow woods were waning , The broad stream in his banks complaining ,

  8. 然后他就用砒霜的蒸溜水浇灌这棵椰菜,一连浇了三天,到第二天时,那椰菜开始萎黄了。

    For three days he watered this cabbage with a distillation of arsenic ; on the third , the cabbage began to droop and turn yellow .

  9. 有效预防和消除黄褐斑、皮肤干涩萎黄等,令肌肤细腻、红润、有光泽、有弹性。

    Have an effect to take precautions against and remove chloasma , skin dry and bitter wither yellow and so on , make skin exquisite , rosy , have luster , have elastic property .

  10. 鸡血藤是我国的传统中药,具有补血、活血、通络之传统功效,一般用于治疗月经不调、血虚萎黄、麻木瘫痪、风湿痹痛等症。

    It has traditional efficacy of enrichment the blood , promoting blood circulation and activating collaterals , which is generally used in the treatment of menstruation , hemopenia yellow , numbness paralysis , rheumatism bi-complex pain and so on .

  11. 症见便血血色淡,量较多,肛门坠胀或脱出,面色萎黄,头晕心悸,手足发麻,舌质淡白,少苔,脉细软而数。

    Zheng Jian blood in the stool color light , the amount of more or anal prolapse , pale complexion , dizziness , palpitations , numbness in limbs , pale tongue , little coating , pulse and several valuables .

  12. 在我国东北盐碱地区以及城市盐渍化严重的地区,大部分栽植的露地菊受盐碱的影响则表现出叶色萎黄、生长不良、花芽分化受阻甚至死亡的现象。

    In saline and Northeast China , as well as the city of saline , most intense cultivation of Chrysanthemum morifolium affected by salt of the exhibit leaf chlorosis , bad growth , bud is blocked or even death .

  13. 治疗组患病次数、恶寒,不耐寒凉、面色萎黄、咳嗽等症状与对照组比较都有非常明显差异(P<0.01),厌食症状有明显差异(P<0.05);

    In the treatment group some clinic symptoms like times of suffering from the RRTI 、 fearing the cold and not tolerating the cool 、 sallowness of the skin or complexion 、 cough , are all obviously improved with the very significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) ;

  14. 健脾益肺方可以延缓肌无力、肌萎缩症状,改善肌肉跳动、构音障碍、吞咽困难、形体消瘦、声短气怯、咳声低怯、自汗、食少纳呆、面色萎黄等症状。

    The jian pi yi fei fang can delay muscle weakness , muscle atrophy symptoms , improve muscles jumping , dysarthria , difficulty swallowing , body becoming thin , sound weak qi timid , cough weakness , spontaneus sweating , eating less and anorexia , complexion chlorosis atc symptoms .