
  • 网络flash;flash mob;beat it
  1. 把“快闪”(flashmob)稍作改动后就有了“闪玩”(flashplay)这个说法。“闪玩”指的是人们通过网络快速找到同伴,然后通过飞机等快捷的交通工具一起到另一个城市去游玩。

    Tweaking the idea of flash mob is flash play , this term means a form of trip in which people find companions quickly through the Internet , and use advanced transportation like airplane to travel to another city together .

  2. 安全管理和USB快闪记忆体驱动器与硬碟驱动器传输之间的资料。

    Manage and transport data securely between USB flash drives and hard drives .

  3. 车来了,快闪开!

    Look out ! A truck 's coming ! Get out of the way .

  4. 快闪道!

    Get out of the way !

  5. “快闪商店”(英文表达为pop-upretail或pop-upstore/shop或flashretailing)是在短时间内开张的一种商店,在欧美很流行。

    Pop-up retail , is a trend of opening short-term sales spaces popular in America and Europe .

  6. “快闪商店”通常卖季节性物品,如万圣节的服饰和装饰品、圣诞礼物、圣诞树,或烟花之类。

    They are often used by marketers for seasonal items such as Halloween costumes and decorations , Christmas gifts and Christmas trees , or fireworks .

  7. “快闪商店”的店铺是临时租用的,今天这个店铺在做样品特卖,明天晚上可能就在举行私人鸡尾酒会了。某一天突然开张的“快闪商店”,在一天或几周后就会消失得无影无踪。

    A pop-up retail space is a venue party the next evening . The trend involves " popping up " one day , then disappearing anywhere from one day to several weeks later .

  8. Flashmob快闪党,快闪族。

    flash mob , flash mob , flash mob ...

  9. 逐行复位快闪式CMOS焦平面读出电路的测试方法

    Testing Method of Reset Row-by - row Snapshot Charge Amplifier CMOS Readout IC for Focal Plane Array

  10. 而SD卡(SecureDigitalMemoryCard)中文翻译为安全数码卡,是一种基于半导体快闪记忆器的新一代记忆设备,它被广泛地应用于便携式装置上。

    SD card ( Secure Digital Memory Card ) which is a new memory equipment based on semiconductor storage memory is widely applied in portable device .

  11. FlashMemory(快闪存储器[1])作为现如今最成熟的非挥发性半导体存储器已成为应用最广泛的存储器之一。

    Widely . As we all know , Flash memory [ 1 ] , as the most full-blown non-volatilization semiconductor memory , is used most widely .

  12. 在微电子这一大家庭中,有一个成员的成长是有目共睹的,那就是快闪式存储器(FlashMemory)。

    In the large family of microelectronics , the advancement of one of its members can be seen by all of us , that is Flash Memory .

  13. 利用CDE观察彩色多普勒快闪伪像的应用价值

    Application value about false portrait of fast blinking by using color Doppler energy

  14. 可以给工作台的某些元素(比如快闪屏)加上自己的标志并定义个性化的特性,从而定制UI的操作和外观。

    You can brand certain elements of the workbench , such as the splash screen , and define personalities to customize the operation and appearance of the UI .

  15. 作为回报,Net-a-Porter的技术团队专门在网上创建了一家模仿香奈儿精品店时尚风格的快闪店(pop-upshop)。

    In return for the debut , Net-a-Porter 's tech-team created a digital pop-up shop that mimicked the aesthetic of a Chanel boutique .

  16. NIRVANMULLICK:“我们做了这个快闪活动,凯恩在Facebook上就有了500名粉丝。”

    The news spread quickly . NIRVAN MULLICK : " Caine had five hundred Facebook fans by the time we did the flash mob . " SOUND FROM " CAINE 'S ARCADE " :

  17. 随着以工业控制和消费类多媒体电子设备为代表的SOC技术空前的发展,作为SOC重要组成部分的嵌入式快闪存储器也获得了巨大的市场需求。

    With development of the SOC technology represented by industrial control and consumptive multimedia electronics devices , as an important part of SOC , embedded Flash Memories has gained enormous marketing demand .

  18. 今年夏天,他将推出一项雄心勃勃的计划:由500名青少年向一家小吃“快闪店”(Pop-upshop)投资3万英镑,目标是将它变成50万。

    This summer , he is launching an ambitious scheme in which 500 teenagers will invest £ 30000 into a pop-up tuck shop , with the aim of turning it into half a million .

  19. 一个新的概念加入到系统的内存,它可以让你使用非挥发性的快闪记忆体,如USB闪存驱动器或内存卡,以改善性能,而无需添加额外的内存。

    A new concept in adding memory to a system , it allows you to use non-volatile flash memory like a USB flash drive or a memory card to improve performance without having to add additional memory .

  20. 该文分析了目前常用的快闪存储器的结构和特性,在此基础上介绍了基于NAND闪存的数码相机系统。

    This paper introduces the structure and attributes of flash memory . And the digital camera system based on NAND flash memory is then presented and described .

  21. 它有8GB的快闪存储器和容量稍微少一些的512MB的RAM。

    It has8 gigabytes ( GB ) of flash storage and512 megabytes of RAM , which is a bit puny .

  22. 另外,为了降低功耗,SOC供电电压越来越低,导致高速低压嵌入式快闪存储器的设计本身也面临诸多技术难题。

    Moreover , in order to reduce power dissipation , the supply voltage of SOC has been reduced recently , which gives rise to a bunch of technical problems for high speed low voltage embedded Flash Memories .

  23. 今年夏天,他将推出一项雄心勃勃的计划:由500名青少年向一家小吃快闪店(Pop-upshop)投资3万英镑,目标是将它变成50万。

    This summer , he is launching an ambitious scheme in which 500 teenagers will invest & # 163 ; 30,000 into a pop-up tuck shop , with the aim of turning it into half a million .

  24. 然而,许多其他类型的内存以及内存(即随机存取记忆体),其中包括大多数类型的ROM和一种所谓的NOR快闪记忆体闪光。

    However , many other types of memory are RAM as well ( ie , Random Access Memory ), including most types of ROM and a kind of flash memory called NOR-Flash .

  25. 它在阿姆斯特丹的红灯区已经被使用多年,而且就在去年,法国交友服务机构AdopteUnMEC开了一个“快闪商店”,让女士们从橱窗中选择约会对象。

    It 's been used for years in Amsterdam 's Red Lights district and just last year French dating service Adopte Un Mec opened a pop-up boutique where ladies could window-shop for dates .

  26. flashmob快闪特指一群人,他们通过网络、手机或其他无线设施相互联系,一起到公共场所表演一段事先安排好的动作,然后快速分散离开。

    A flash mob is a large group of people organized by means of the Internet , or mobile phones or other wireless devices , who assemble in public to perform a prearranged action together and then quickly disperse .

  27. 11月,Elana将和摄影师TammyMercure合伙在新奥尔良再开一家<100快闪店。

    This November , Elana will partner with photographer Tammy Mercure and open a Less than 100 pop-up store in New Orleans .

  28. 为了支持手机公司T-Mobile的广告语“生活就是为分享”,他们的广告代理公司盛世长城在伦敦的利物浦车站组织了一场游击快闪。

    Supporting cellphone company T-Mobile 's slogan ," Life 's for Sharing ," their ad agency Saatchi & Saatchi organized a guerilla flash mob in London 's Liverpool Street Station .

  29. 与传统模拟基带相比,功耗下降3.3倍。本文的第二部分设计实现了-个适用于脉冲超宽带(IR-UWB)接收机的欠采样快闪型高速模数转换器。

    Compared to conventional baseband interface , power dissipation is reduced by a factor of 3.3.The second part of this thesis is composed of the design and implementation of a sub-sampling flash ADC for IR-UWB receiver .

  30. 与传统的全功能EEPROM相比,利用快闪存储器,整个存储器阵列或存储器的一部分的内容可在一个步骤中擦除。

    With flash memory , also a type of EEPROM , the contents of the whole memory array , or of a portion of the memory , can be erased in one step , in contrast to the traditional , full-featured EEPROM .