
cǎo ɡēn
  • Grassroots;grass root
  1. 去表愈合章,草根支持组织为测试了HIV的人提供支持和信息积极。

    Go to the list of HEAL chapters , grass root support organisations who offer support and information for people who tested HIV positive .

  2. 草根文化和恶搞文化背景下的品牌传播

    Brand Communication in the Background of Grass Root Culture and Parody Culture

  3. 他平稳快速地工作着,只在扔掉草根块儿时停顿一下。

    He worked steadily , and fast , pausing only to toss away clumps of grass roots

  4. “人们欢呼着,把手推车举到半空中,”乔凡尼·乔治说道。他与一个名为“90一代”的草根组织一起帮助组织了这次游行。

    People are cheering and holding their carts in the air , says Giovanni Giorgio , who helped organize the march with a grass-roots organization called Generazione ' 90 .

  5. Grasstop这个词是在grassroots(草根)一词基础上演化而来,草根指社区或组织里的那些普通人。

    This term is a play on grassroots , the ordinary people of a community or organization .

  6. Grasstop指某个社区或组织的领袖,即“草根领袖”。

    Grasstop is the leadership in a community or organization .

  7. 在荒岛上他只能靠树皮和草根维持生命。

    He could subsist on bark and grass roots in the isolated island .

  8. 这些网络女主播遍布在业余网站,每天吸引数千点击量,很多已经从草根变为明星。

    These “ Camgirls ” rule the world of amateur Web sites , attracting thousands of hits daily . Some have become self-made celebrities .

  9. “划屏终结者”都有一些共同的特点,比如从未出现,草根接触少,而且不分领域.

    There are some traits shared by those thumbstoppers , for instance , little presence , little contact with grass roots , as well as cross-field .

  10. 至少从1912年起,草根一词就大量用于政治语境,用来指代普通选民、某个政党或者某个政治组织。

    Since at least 1912 the word " grassroots " has been used mostly in a political context , where it refers to the rank-and-file of the electorate .

  11. 在意大利由来已久的“待用咖啡”传统在二战后得到普及。“待用咖啡”被看做是草根社会团结的标志,并在2008年全球经济衰退及后来的欧元区危机期间重新焕发活力。

    The tradition of " suspended coffee " -- or " caffe sospeso " in Italian -- is a long-standing tradition in Italy that increased in popularity after World War II . It has been identified as a symbol of grassroots social solidarity in response to the 2008 recession and ensuing eurozone crisis .

  12. 实时web是云管理标准的草根解决方案吗?

    Is the real time web a grassroots solution to cloud management standards ?

  13. 三叶草根间菌丝桥在~(32)P传递中的作用

    ~ ( 32 ) p transfer via VA mycorrhizal hyphae links between roots of red clover

  14. UVB辐射增加对黑麦草根、茎、叶的生长有显著的抑制效应;

    But the growth of seedlings is not influenced significantly by enhanced UV-B radiation before three-leaf stage .

  15. 在更远的地方,史蒂夫•凯斯(STEVECASE)支持的非营利的UPGlobal是一个在全球激励草根创业的鼓舞人心的例子。

    Further afield , the Steve Case-backed non-profit UP Global is an inspiring example of stimulating grassroots entrepreneurship internationally .

  16. 基于试验结果,建立了素土和混合草根加筋土的BP神经网络本构模型。

    The BP neural network constitutive models of soil and GRS reinforcement in mixing are established base on test data .

  17. 草根级(自下而上的)SOA实施途经:将SOA元素(包括服务和基础设施)作为现有业务驱动的IT任务来实现。

    Grassroots ( bottom-up ) SOA approach-implementing elements of SOA ( both services and infrastructure ) as parts of existing business-driven IT undertaking .

  18. 于是,三人决定召开一次草根会议,并吸引了谷歌和雅虎(Yahoo)等赞助商。

    The trio decided to host a grassroots conference that year and attracted sponsors like Google and Yahoo .

  19. 如果一个实施SOA的组织比较草根化,结果往往就是从单个领域面向服务的努力出发的“自下而上”的模式。

    Typically , SOA organizations that are " grass-roots " and the result of individual , domain led service-oriented efforts are " bottom-up " .

  20. 在两种N水平下,高浓度CO2均显著降低水稻和稗草根系N含量,而C含量上升不明显,导致C/N比值显著增加。

    N concentration of the root decreased significantly in elevated CO_2 but C concentration did not change remarkably , which led to obvious increase in ratio of C / N.

  21. 本文研究了17例人工发病的萱草根中毒山羊的血液和脑脊液(CSF)主要生化成分的变化。

    The main biochemical components in blood and CSF of 17 cases of experimentally poisoned by Hemerocallis roots were studied .

  22. 我们已经在读写网上报道过,Obama和Paul如何利用互联网建立起自己的草根选民基础并以此筹集了一大笔资金。

    We 've noted on ReadWriteWeb before how Obama and Paul have used the Internet to successfully build a grassroots campaign and raise lots of money .

  23. 应用全细胞蛋白SDS-PAGE分子标记技术验证含羞草根瘤菌的结瘤能力

    Verification of Nodulation Ability of Strains Isolated from Mimosa spp. Nodules Using Whole Cell Protein SDS-PAGE Molecular Marker Method

  24. 缺乏政府在法律上的支持极大地限制了草根NGO获取资金和开展活动的能力。

    Lack of government support in the law greatly limits the ability of grassroots NGO obtaining funds and activities .

  25. 融合子F2对稗草根长的抑制效果显著高于出发菌株CL菌,而与EM菌的效果相当。

    The barnyardgrass control ability of the fusant F2 was significantly higher than that of CL strains , and similar to that of EM.

  26. 按理说,这时左倾的草根网民大会(NetrootsNation)应该喜气洋洋,而共和党领袖大会(RepublicanLeadershipConference,RLC)则愁闷惊慌。

    By rights the left-leaning Netroots Nation gathering should have been jubilant , and the Republican Leadership Conference ( RLC ) doleful and panicky .

  27. 碳酸钙处理使烟田土壤pH显著提高。显著降低了土壤有效态镉和交换性镉含量,从而也显著降低了烟草根、茎、叶中的镉含量。

    Calcium carbonate treatment made the soil pH obviously improved , significantly reduced the available form content of Cd and the exchangeable Cd content in soil , thus significantly reduced the Cd content in root , stem and leaf .

  28. FT-NIR光谱法同时测定烟草根、茎、叶中的氮、磷、氯和钾

    Simultaneous Determination of N , Cl , P and K in Tobacco by FT-NIR Spectrometry

  29. 微格式是XHTML中另一版本的结构化数据,它由一群草根开发人员在一年多后推出。

    Microformats , another version of structured data in XHTML , was launched a little more than a year later by a grassroots group of developers .

  30. WPP还拥有规模较小的专业公司,例如DeweySquare和DirectImpact,它们专注于为寻求影响本地获选领袖和社区团体的公司客户策划草根运动。

    It owns smaller niche entities , such as Dewey Square and Direct Impact , which specialise in creating " grassroots campaigns " for corporate clients who are seeking to influence local elected leaders and community groups .