- 名Grassroots;grass root

Go to the list of HEAL chapters , grass root support organisations who offer support and information for people who tested HIV positive .
Brand Communication in the Background of Grass Root Culture and Parody Culture
He worked steadily , and fast , pausing only to toss away clumps of grass roots
People are cheering and holding their carts in the air , says Giovanni Giorgio , who helped organize the march with a grass-roots organization called Generazione ' 90 .
This term is a play on grassroots , the ordinary people of a community or organization .
Grasstop is the leadership in a community or organization .
He could subsist on bark and grass roots in the isolated island .
These “ Camgirls ” rule the world of amateur Web sites , attracting thousands of hits daily . Some have become self-made celebrities .
There are some traits shared by those thumbstoppers , for instance , little presence , little contact with grass roots , as well as cross-field .
Since at least 1912 the word " grassroots " has been used mostly in a political context , where it refers to the rank-and-file of the electorate .
The tradition of " suspended coffee " -- or " caffe sospeso " in Italian -- is a long-standing tradition in Italy that increased in popularity after World War II . It has been identified as a symbol of grassroots social solidarity in response to the 2008 recession and ensuing eurozone crisis .
Is the real time web a grassroots solution to cloud management standards ?
~ ( 32 ) p transfer via VA mycorrhizal hyphae links between roots of red clover
But the growth of seedlings is not influenced significantly by enhanced UV-B radiation before three-leaf stage .
Further afield , the Steve Case-backed non-profit UP Global is an inspiring example of stimulating grassroots entrepreneurship internationally .
The BP neural network constitutive models of soil and GRS reinforcement in mixing are established base on test data .
Grassroots ( bottom-up ) SOA approach-implementing elements of SOA ( both services and infrastructure ) as parts of existing business-driven IT undertaking .
The trio decided to host a grassroots conference that year and attracted sponsors like Google and Yahoo .
Typically , SOA organizations that are " grass-roots " and the result of individual , domain led service-oriented efforts are " bottom-up " .
N concentration of the root decreased significantly in elevated CO_2 but C concentration did not change remarkably , which led to obvious increase in ratio of C / N.
The main biochemical components in blood and CSF of 17 cases of experimentally poisoned by Hemerocallis roots were studied .
We 've noted on ReadWriteWeb before how Obama and Paul have used the Internet to successfully build a grassroots campaign and raise lots of money .
Verification of Nodulation Ability of Strains Isolated from Mimosa spp. Nodules Using Whole Cell Protein SDS-PAGE Molecular Marker Method
Lack of government support in the law greatly limits the ability of grassroots NGO obtaining funds and activities .
The barnyardgrass control ability of the fusant F2 was significantly higher than that of CL strains , and similar to that of EM.
By rights the left-leaning Netroots Nation gathering should have been jubilant , and the Republican Leadership Conference ( RLC ) doleful and panicky .
Calcium carbonate treatment made the soil pH obviously improved , significantly reduced the available form content of Cd and the exchangeable Cd content in soil , thus significantly reduced the Cd content in root , stem and leaf .
Simultaneous Determination of N , Cl , P and K in Tobacco by FT-NIR Spectrometry
Microformats , another version of structured data in XHTML , was launched a little more than a year later by a grassroots group of developers .
It owns smaller niche entities , such as Dewey Square and Direct Impact , which specialise in creating " grassroots campaigns " for corporate clients who are seeking to influence local elected leaders and community groups .