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Dynamic monitoring of dry and sandy grassland productivity in central Ningxia
Effect of Cultivation on Grassland Productivity and Soil Quality
In addition , soil organic carbon and nitrogen contents showed positive linear correlations with plant cover and productivity and negative correlation trend with soil pH and total salt content .
Simulation Model of Grassland Production Using Remote Sensing Data
Study on increasing productivity of Tropical Pasture and utilization
Probe to the productive characteristic and developing animal husbandry in Alashan desert grassland
Response of Grassland Productivity to Climate Change in Farming-Pasturing Interlaced Area of Ningxia
Remote sensing based productivity monitoring of sedge and forbs grasslands in Sichuan Province
Evaluation on production of Xining Nanshan grassland
The soil water regulation plans promote the growth of plant and raise the grassland yield .
The grassland productivity and quality in northern farming-pastoral transitional zone decreased along with climate changes .
Assessment of the productivity and livestock carrying capacity of Inner Mongolia grassland by regional scale modeling
The Study of the Impact of Climate Change on the Grassland Production in the North of China
The grey correlative degree analysis on the relationship between grassland productivity and climate factors in temperate steppe of Gonghe Basin
Aboveground productivity and soil water characteristics of cultivated Old World bluestem grassland in semi-arid loess hilly-gully areas on the Loess Plateau
The purpose of fence grazing is to exploit the productive potential of grassland as muchas possible based on the sustenance of grassland productivity .
This situation has important significance for the balancing seasonal difference of grassland productivity and especially for increasing the balance supply level of available nutrients .
Community stability , an important index for both primary production and sustainability of artificial mixed-pasture , is determined by compatibility , disturbance and species diversity .
The test only want hold back ( check ) degeneration , keep the ecological balance , improve grassland productive forces , and always continuously the grassland .
It was found that decreased herbage productivity and increased animal number were the main factors contributing to the feed-animal imbalance status in the village in Keshiketeng Banner .
In this study , the method of actuarial investigation of forage productivity and soil moisture on artificial pasture combined with numerical simulation value by dynamic crop model were used .
When demand increases and exceeds limitation , moreover , there is no enough external energy input , grassland productivity drops inevitably , and then , changes of ecosystem structure take place .
Thus , it is demonstrated that changing cultivated land into pasture may have both positive and negative effects on food security and success depends on the potential productivity of the pasture .
Results show that the water condition is the primary climatic factor that effects grassland production of the North of China , and based on the conclusion , establishes divisionally the grassland climatic production model with moisture index and precipitation .
Results show that M.sativa productivity was low in general attributed to drought and poor soil fertility conditions . The highest fresh biomass was 4 000-5 000 kg / hm ~ 2 , but the flourishing duration was short no more than 6 years .
As the general agronomic method , fertilization is a rapid and effective method to enhance the biomass productivity , but which is still controversial to use in natural rangeland ecosystem and need more detailed experimental study to clarify its effects on production and ecological results .
Using crude grassland production of every county unit and its climatic reorganized data , the thesis studies the relation between the geographical distribution of crude grassland production and primary climatic factors such as light , heat , water in the area of NeiMongol Xinjiang and QingHai XiZang .
The land ultimate production potentiality and carrying capacity were estimated ;
Primary productivity and community dynamics of mixed perennial grass pasture
Effect of Grazing on Herbage Nutrient Storage and on Early Spring Productivity