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  • 网络wolfgang;Wolfgang Porsche
  1. 沃尔夫冈走向过道尽头锁着的那扇门。

    Wolfgang moved along the corridor towards the locked door at the end .

  2. 沃尔夫冈•保时捷(WolfgangPorsche)和下萨克森州州长斯特凡•魏尔(StephanWeil)需要联手,才能在监事会投票中胜过皮耶希。

    It took Wolfgang Porsche and Stephan Weil , premier of Lower Saxony , to outvote Mr Pi & # 235 ; ch on the supervisory board .

  3. 沃尔夫冈补充称,在过去四年中,BCG每年都在美洲各地加大了招聘力度,因此在校园露面变得更为重要。

    BCG has increased its hiring in each of the past four years throughout the Americas , making it even more important for the group to appear on campus , he adds .

  4. 宾利总裁沃尔夫冈•施莱博这个月在斯托克向《前哨报》(TheSentinel)暗示,全新SUV可能会搭载暂不说明的“绿色技术”&可能是指混动引擎。

    Bentley chairman Wolfgang Schreiber hinted to the sentinel newspaper in Stoke-on-Trent , England earlier this month that a new SUV could include unspecified " green technologies " & perhaps a hybrid engine .

  5. 控制着大众50.7%投票权的保时捷控股公司(PorscheSE)董事长沃尔夫冈•保时捷(WolfgangPorsche)上周日表示,皮耶希的言论“代表他个人的观点,其言论的内容和主旨并没有得到家族的同意”。

    Wolfgang Porsche , chairman of the Porsche SE holding company that controls a 50.7 per cent voting stake in VW , said on Sunday that Mr Pi ë ch 's statements " represent his personal opinion , whose content and substance was not agreed with the family . "

  6. 第一部分是泡利不相容原则,由沃尔夫冈,泡利做了详尽阐释。

    The first one is the Pauli Exclusion Principle which was enunciated by Wolfgang Pauli .

  7. 在当前关于日常生活审美化的讨论中,德国后现代美学家沃尔夫冈。

    The German post-modern aesthetician Wolfgang Welsch is frequently mentioned in the discussion of everyday life aestheticization ;

  8. 任何文学文本中都存在一定的不确定性和空白,它们是激发读者进行创造性填补和想象性连接的基本驱动力。本文以德国文论学家沃尔夫冈。

    Indeterminacy and gaps exist in every literary text and can arouse readers ' creative filling and imaginative connection .

  9. 唱片在荷兰取得成功,艾迪去见他的朋友德国制作人沃尔夫冈。

    The record was successful in Holland , and Addy went to his friend , the German producer Wolfgang Roloff .

  10. 平静中产生天才,生活的激流之中创造个性&约翰。沃尔夫冈。冯。歌德,德国作家和学者。

    Genius is formed in quiet , character in the stream of life & Johann Wolfgang von Goethe , German writer and polymath .

  11. 沃尔夫冈•保时捷的言论令大众董事长看似处于不同寻常的被孤立状态,而且,假如他希望迫使温特科恩下台的话,是得不到足够的支持的。

    Mr Porsche 's statement left the VW chairman looking unusually isolated and without sufficient votes to force out Mr Winterkorn , if he so desired .

  12. 谨以此书献给我的妻子西格丽德,和我十岁的儿子沃尔夫冈,他帮助我写描绘插图7.1的计算机程序。

    I dedicate this book to my wife Sigrid and to my ten-year-old son Wolfgang , who helped me to write the computer program producing Fig.7.1 .

  13. 沃尔夫冈不使用电动工具,这意味着所有这些美妙的曲线般的漩涡,完全由手工完成用砂纸大拼盘文件和超精细。

    Wolfgang uses no power tools which means that all of these fantastic swirls and curves are done completely by hand with a large assortment of file and ultra-fine sand paper .

  14. 论文的主体部分由三个主要章节以及最后的结语所组成,从各个角度分析阐述了沃尔夫冈.里姆作为20世纪后三分之一时期著名作曲家的创作特征。

    The main part of the thesis including three mainly sections and the final conclusion , as the famous composer in late 20th century , I explained the creative features from all angles .

  15. 历史上的今天-岳飞处死1142年的今天,宋代名将岳飞以莫须有处死。历史上的今天-莫扎特诞辰1756年的今天,作曲家沃尔夫冈.阿马德乌斯.莫扎特出生于奥地利萨尔斯堡。

    Execution Yue Fei 1142 - Execution , believed wrongful , of noted Song Dynasty General Yue Fei Mozart was born 1756 - composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg , Austria .

  16. 人生来不是要去解决宇宙的问题,而是要去发现他必须做什么并且把自己限制在他的理解范围内&约翰。沃尔夫冈。范。歌德,德国作家。

    Man is not born to solve the problem of the universe , but to find out what he has to do ; and to restrain himself within the limits of his comprehension & Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe , German writer .

  17. 奥兰多并没有满足于精灵的桂冠而停滞不前,他已经答应在电影《特洛伊》(又名《特洛伊战争》)中饰演角色。该片由沃尔夫冈-彼得森导演,定于2004年5月21日在美国上映。

    Not content to rest on his elvish laurels , Orlando has accepted what may be his most ambitious role to date in the movie Troy ( aka Trojan War ) directed by Wolfgang Petersen , which is scheduled to be released in the US on May 21 , 2004 .