
  • 网络woody;woodie;Woody Guthrie
  1. 《玩具总动员》的有趣之处在于,伍迪(Woody)和他的伙伴们只在周围有人时假装不是活的。

    The joke of " Toy Story " is that Woody and his buddies only pretend to be inanimate when people are around .

  2. 广告中将把《玩具3》中的角色,如巴斯光年(buzzlightyear)和伍迪(woody)等,与著名奥斯卡获奖影片中的人物联系起来。

    The campaign will link Toy Story 3 characters such as Buzz Lightyear and woody to characters from well-known Oscar-winning movies .

  3. 《华尔街日报》:你是不是给伍迪&12539;艾伦(WoodyAllen)订购了Netflix服务?他恐怕是世界上最不懂技术的人了。

    WSJ : Is it true that you sent Woody Allen , perhaps the least technologically savvy person in the world , a Netflix subscription ?

  4. 伍迪•艾伦(WoodyAllen)已与亚马逊(Amazon)签约,为后者编导一部电视连续剧,目前很多好莱坞顶级导演纷纷加入新兴数字视频流媒体服务。

    Woody Allen has joined the top Hollywood directors flocking to new digital video streaming services after striking a deal with Amazon to write and direct a television series .

  5. 在伍迪・艾伦(WoodyAllen)执导的影片《魔力月光》(MagicintheMoonlight)中,艾玛・斯通(EmmaStone)饰演灵媒师索菲・贝克(SophieBaker),科林・弗思(ColinFirth)饰演一位试图揭穿索菲・贝克真面目的魔术大师。

    Woody Allen 's ' Magic in the Moonlight ' stars Emma Stone as a psychic medium , Sophie Baker , and Colin Firth as a master magician who sets out to debunk her .

  6. 他想起了《玩具总动员》(ToyStory)中的一幕,巴斯光年(BuzzLightyear)从窗户跌落,而其他玩具认为是结实、可爱的伍迪(Woody)出于嫉妒,故意将巴斯推出窗外。

    He recalled the scene in Toy Story when Buzz Lightyear falls from a window and the other toys think that Woody - solid , likeable Woody - got jealous and deliberately pushed Buzz out .

  7. 两位泰国导游(男的叫伍迪(woody),女的叫view)与巴姆正等着我们:他们发放的第一样东西就是头盔,然后是车灯、反光马甲以及半新的崔克(trek)自行车。

    The two Thai guides , woody ( a man ) and view ( a woman ) are onside with BAM : the first thing they hand out are helmets , then lights , reflector vests and newish trek bikes .

  8. 要牢记于心的坏榜样是伍迪縠伦(WoodyAllen)在《罪与错》(CrimesandMisdemeanors)中饰演的角色,在听着妹妹一把鼻涕一把泪,绘声绘色地讲述她那糟糕的艳遇。

    The bad role model to bear in mind is the Woody Allen character in Crimes and Misdemeanors listening to his sobbing sister recount , in graphic detail , an erotic encounter gone wrong .

  9. 《内布拉斯加》(Nebraska)以明快的黑白片形式拍摄,通过一次穿越蒙大拿和内布拉斯加的旅行揭示了由布鲁斯•邓恩(BruceDern)扮演的易怒老头伍迪•格兰特(WoodyGrant)的内心世界。

    ' Nebraska ' gets to the heart of Bruce Dern 's prickly old geezer , Woody Grant , by way of a road trip across Montana and Nebraska , shot in radiant black-and-white .

  10. HBO的《真探》在第一季中显示出一个具有凝聚力的编导团队在伍迪•哈勒尔森(WoodyHarrelson)和马修•麦康纳(MatthewMcConaughey)的帮助下,能够实现怎样的成就。

    In its first season of the anthology series , HBO 's ' True Detective ' showed what a cohesive writing-directing team can accomplish-with the help of Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey ,

  11. 你知道这一幕:在电影《曼哈顿》(Manhattan)中,伍迪縠伦和黛安蘒罗(DianeKeaton)饰演的玛丽(Mary)坐在出租车上,他对她说:“你看起来真美,我几乎无法盯着计价表看了。”

    You know the scene : in Manhattan , he 's in a cab with Mary ( played by Diane Keaton ) and he tells her : " You look so beautiful I can hardly keep my eyes on the meter . "

  12. 伍迪不想去帮忙其他的小朋友。

    He didn 't want to help other kids do things .

  13. 伍迪和他唯一的朋友诺拉坐在圆木上。

    Wudy sat on a log with his only friend Nora .

  14. 快点伍迪我们带你回家

    Come on , Woody . We gotta get you home .

  15. 谁帮助巴斯荷伍迪离开了西德的家?

    Who helped Buzz and Woody out of Sid 's home ?

  16. 伍迪BM2.7离子膜电解槽的生产工艺控制

    Control on production process of BM 2.7 Uhde ionic membrane electrolyzer

  17. 2万t/a伍迪BM2.7电解槽装置及运行

    20 kt / a BM 2.7 Uhde electrolyzer and its operation

  18. 泰勒说到:就伍迪来说,所有电影都是1965年之前的。

    With Woody , it 's never a film after 1965 .

  19. 伍迪我们要在这开始新生活了

    We can have a whole new life here , Woody .

  20. 伍迪在艾尔的玩具仓里都碰上了谁?

    Who did Woody meet at Al 's Toy Barn ?

  21. 浴帘上有伍迪的朋友们的图案。

    Sketches of Woody 's friends adorned the shower curtain .

  22. 伍迪:哦不,哦不。

    Woody : Whoa , whoa , whoa , whoa .

  23. 哦红心我也很想念伍迪

    Oh , Bull 's-eye . I miss Woody too .

  24. 嘘小声点-伍迪你回来了

    Shh . Be quiet . - Woody , you 're back .

  25. 巴斯荷伍迪是怎样进入“比萨天堂”的?

    How did buzz and woody get into pizza planet ?

  26. 我们去把剩下的东西收拾好吧,伍迪。

    And let 's get the rest of the stuff , woody .

  27. 伍迪:就像每个孩子都爱过他的玩具。

    Woody : As much as any kid ever loved a toy .

  28. 伍迪:我的靴子里有条蛇。

    Woody : There 's a snake in my boot .

  29. 我们准备好了伍迪开始干吧

    We 're ready , Woody . Let 's do it . -

  30. 想想办法伍迪想想办法想想办法

    Think , Woody . Think , think , think .