
  • 网络Elegant Culture;mayan culture;hierarchic culture;Mayans
  1. 作为雅文化的元素符号,雪是道德情操的象征,呈现冷色调的美感。

    " Snow ", as a symbol of elegant culture , symbolizes nobleness , with the sense of cold beauty .

  2. 从文化定位的角度来看,它是通俗文化与严肃文化的交融,雅文化与俗文化的整合。

    In view of definition , our national TV plays belong to the arts culture which conforms refined and vulgar into general taste .

  3. 在社会习俗中,人们惯于称上层知识分子的文化为雅文化,称下层民众的文化为俗文化。

    In social convention , people are used to call the highbrow culture as refined culture , and call the demotic culture as popular culture .

  4. 面对这种文化交融和文化转型,在士阶层的普遍意识形态里出现了较明晰的雅文化意识。

    Faced with such cultures blend and cultural transformation , there appeared a sense of more ideological clarity " elegant culture " in the Shi class .

  5. 《金瓶梅》则有意使小说中的雪场景与雅文化文本中的雪景意蕴构成互文和戏拟,达到对正统文化和传统美学的反讽与颠覆。

    The author of The Golden Lotus intentionally contrasted snow scene itself with the implication in snow in the elegant culture , reversing the orthodox culture and traditional anesthetics .

  6. 元代,在商品经济、市民社会的发展下,雅文化开始向俗文化过渡,雅俗文化呈现合流的趋势。

    With the development of commercial economy and the growth of civilian society , the literati 's culture began to cater to the tastes of the populace , and the interaction of the art of the refined and the popular occurred .

  7. 第二部分从深层的文化层面,即隐逸文化、雅文化休闲文化三方面论述宋词与园林在宋代文人的生活哲学与意趣方面的共通性。

    The second part discuss the common features of Song Verses and gardens on the life philosophy and interest about literators living in the Song dynasty from three deep-seated levels , which are secluded culture , elegant culture and fallow culture .

  8. 当前,应该对中华民族大家庭各民族文化遗产进行保护和抢救,鼓励发展雅文化,建设好大学校园文化,建设好地方文化。

    At present , it 's urgent to protect and rescue the heritages of the different cultures of the nationalities in the big family of Chinese nation , to encourage proper culture , to well construct college culture on campus and local culture .

  9. 从《红高粱》到《英雄》,张艺谋的文化电影中对中国文化元素的展现,明显地表现出从俗文化到雅文化,从传递负面信息到正面信息,从批判到赞赏的转变。

    From Red Sorghum to Hero , Chinese cultural element in Zhang Yi-mou 's cultural film obviously shows three different aspects : from popular culture to refined culture , from the transmission of negative messages to the transmission of positive messages and from criticism to appreciation .

  10. 本文的缘起“雅”在中国文化中是一个重要的审美概念,与“俗”相比,它常常有正统、高贵的含义。

    With regard to the connotation of " Ya " in the classification of Shi Jing , there are always different conceptions which mainly originate from three perspectives-politics , music and region .