
yǎ zuò
  • private room;comfortable seats;snug;comfortable in a restaurant
雅座 [yǎ zuò]
  • [comfortable in a restaurant,etc.] 指酒肆茶楼饭馆中比较舒适的小房间

雅座[yǎ zuò]
  1. 他们坐在位于角落的一个雅座里,远离其他就餐的客人。

    They sat in a corner booth , away from other diners .

  2. 那边的那个老女人晚上负责照看酒馆里的雅座酒吧。

    The old girl in there runs the saloon bar at the pub in the evenings .

  3. 餐馆设有雅座,供顾客随意小酌。

    There are special tables serving drinks with snacks in this restaurant .

  4. 豪华酒店的礼宾员在给我们想象中的富豪推荐睡前小酒时,肯定会推荐HôtelCostes。在这个超级时髦的酒店雅座酒吧里,一杯鸡尾酒的价格在15欧元以上。穷游

    Where else would a concierge send a classy guy like our stand-in jet-setter but the H ô tel Costes , the ultrachic hotel lounge where a cocktail runs you north of 15 euros .

  5. 你想坐哪儿,雅座还是普通酒吧间?

    Where will you be , in the lounge or the bar ?

  6. 还有一个人坐在靠墙那最远的一处雅座上。

    There was another man sitting alone in the booth farthest from the wall .

  7. 这句话引起后边雅座里和邻桌一阵哄笑。

    That brought laughter in the back booth and to the table next to it .

  8. 雅座酒吧为游客供应酒菜。

    The lounge bar catered for tourists .

  9. 雅座都已客满。张素素他们很觉得失望。

    The restaurant was filled to overflowing , and they despaired of aver finding a seat .

  10. 在这一集里故事里,小曼雅座着飞船摇摇晃晃降落到了地球。

    Set Lane in the story , monya block , a small spacecraft shaky landing of the earth .

  11. 雅座单间是一个小房间,一扇木制屏风把它与酒吧其它区域分隔开来。

    A snug is a little room blocked off from the rest of the bar by a wooden screen .

  12. 总经理陈海和他的两位格林和唐莲,坐在餐厅雅座内的桌子旁。

    Chen Hai , the general manager , and his two Green and Tang , are sitting at a small dining-table in a partition of the restaurant .

  13. 酒店的商务和休闲设施为厦门之冠,贵宾楼层雅座更享有360度辽阔景观。

    The business and leisure facilities offered in Marco Polo are unparalleled in Xiamen – the Continental Club Floor offers a fully-equipped private Club Lounge with panoramic view .

  14. 在酒吧区则出现水晶吊灯,然而在另一区的雅座内则以光彩的光线照亮,它让此区域成为一个私密且温暖的空间。

    A feature of the bar area will be a chandelier over the bar itself while an incandescent glow at the booths will provide a sense of privacy and warmth of colour .

  15. 很多酒馆还为那些不愿受别人打扰的人设置了雅座单间。光在座的六十几个人,就可以提出近千把人的名单。

    In many pubs , those who want privacy can find it in a snug . There are more than 60 comrades sitting here , so you should be able to come up with nearly a thousand names .